Belle raised her eyes to the sky knowing that soon enough the sky would darken and the others would come out fully. She didn't know what they were exactly, zombies of coarse with their insatiable hunger for human flesh but they moved so quickly, faster than she could ever run. Walking a bit faster towards the diner she held her machete even more firmly but didn't expect the sudden grip pulling her. Instantly thinking it was a zombie she raised her machete but as she was pulled it fell to the ground with a clang. "Wha-?" She asked as she looked at what was pulling her and despite the heavy protective layers of clothing she could tell it was a human. Why was this person here? What did they want? Hearing a sudden scream that seemed undeniably close Belle's eyes widened knowing exactly what it was. Pushing open the door to the diner Belle pulled her grip from the other person and ran towards the back avoiding the trash and chunks of crumbled roof that was scattered along the floors. Having an idea of the best place they could hide she climbed over the counter and to the side corner where a door was marked 'Employees only'. Pushing open the door Belle ran inside and waited for the other survivor to enter before closing the door and locking it. The room was small but contained a few counter with a fridge, a table with several chairs and a couch pressed up against once of the walls, a bit of the ceiling was caved in but relatively unscathed compared to the rest of the diner. Breathing in soft pants Belle tried to gradually calm down her breathing and slowly raised her eyes to the person now in the same room with her. "Don't hurt me." Belle stammered feeling so frightened without her machete in her hand, or any weapon for that matter. She had heard of survivors snapping and killing others, or resorting to cannibalism, rape, and she wasn't prepared to defend herself. Inching her way back from this person she didn't remove her eyes just in case any sudden movements were made. Belle's soft hazel eyes stared not knowing whether she should trust this person or not... Who knew of their intentions?