GM approval? [hider=Electorate of Ordensburg] [center][h1][b]The Electorate of Ordensburg[/b][/h1] [img][/img][/center] [center][b][h2]General Introduction[/h2][/b][/center] [justify]The Electorate of Ordensburg is a by-product of the Adronian Empire, though never truly a part of it, it was an Adronian Ally during it’s conquest of the great continent. A highly disciplined and organized nation of Humans, Ordensburg is a trading powerhouse to rival the Republic of Vuts. The Elecorate maintains a massive Naval and Trade fleet with only a small standing, and completely volunteer, army. It’s people are industrious and adventurous, traits that have taken the people of Ordensburg to the far reaches of the world. [center][b][h2]Location/Geography[/h2][/b][/center] [center][img][/img] [sub]Port City of Człuchów[/sub][/center] [hider=Claims] [img][/img] [/hider] Zone: 12 The Electorate of Ordensburg is a collection of mid-size islands that sit at the meeting place of the Kentratus, Rorsa, and Angustus Oceans. The climate here is mild much of the time, with winter dipping down to just below freezing and the summers being moderately hot. It rains most of the winter, often referred to as the Grey Months, and flooding can be an issue in low lying areas. There are no major mountains to be found, though some high jagged limestone hills can be found in the interior of the main island, a city has even been built in the midst of the great river that flows from there. Where there are no cities or settlements is a thick, temperate rainforest that takes very little time to rebound when it is cut back and the Electorate is in constant danger of losing its highways and even some buildings to the onslaught of nature. There are numerous fantastic creatures in the woods, some hostile, others not so much, and the Electorate has issued a ban on logging or hunting without permits in order to preserve the landscape of their homeland. Due to the extreme amount of rainfall there is no city that does not have an extensive number of waterways and canals to traverse it. Most shipping and transport of goods is done by water since the roads are prone to being washed out in more rural areas. [center][b][h2]History[/h2][/b][/center] Trade has always been a way of life for the people of Ordensburg. For generations they have gone to sea, as fisherman, merchants, and in the service of the Electorate. For much of their history they went no further than their nearby neighbours, petty raids, trade deals and the like, but then came the Adronian Empire. The size of scope of the Adronian Empire suddenly opened up massive opportunities for Electorate Merchants. The Adronians invited the Ordensburg Merchants to open up Trade Houses in conquered cities, provided the Electorate provided Naval support to their cause. The Electorate jumped at the opportunity and soon the flag of Ordensburg was well known the world over on either trade ships or warships. The Electorate benefitted greatly from their relationship with the Adronians. Wealth, knowledge, people, and technology flooded back from the lands overseas. During this time the Electorate entered into a Golden Age of exploration, discovery and prosperity. Then came the collapse of the Adronian Empire. No one is still entirely sure how the Electorate managed to disentangle itself from the wreck of its biggest client without vanishing as well. Much of that genius lay in the Electors, men who worked tirelessly to ensure that trade remained steady with newly emerging nationstates. The Electorate is not without competition of course. The Republic of Vuts maintains its own massive trade fleet the two have come to blows several times over the years over trade rights. It seems, for the moment, that all is calm. [center][h2][b]Government & Capital[/b][/h2] [img][/img] [sub]Ordensburg - Capital [/sub][/center] The Electorate shares the name of its principal city, Ordensburg. This mighty city should be considered one of the great wonders of the world for it is made almost entirely of marble and the canals that criss-cross it are a wonder to behold. Resting tight against the sea, Ordensburg provides shelter to the majority of the Electorates Naval power and handles nearly 50% of the trade ships that visit every year. Six Electors, men elected by the local populace every two years to advise the ultimate power in the land, the Grand Elector, rule Ordensburg. The Electors are always merchants or military men who have the task of managing the interests of the Electorate on everything from religion, to trade and taxes, right down to the protection of forests. The Great Merchant Houses and Guilds often attempt to stack the council in their favour and corruption has been an increasing issue in the Electorate. [center][h2][b]Races[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img][/img] [sub]Ordensburg Merchant[/sub][/center] Humans are the primary race in Ordensburg. Like the rest of their race they come in all shapes, sizes, hair colours and the like. Being a major trade hub, the Electorate is surprisingly tolerant of races, even amongst their own kind. In the streets of the great cities you will find representatives from virtually all races free to come and go as they please, providing they follow local laws. [center][h2][b]Social Culture[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img][/img] [sub]Ordensburg Party Mask[/sub][/center] The people of Ordensburg are like any race in their pursuit of health and happiness. They boast excellent health care, high education, high standard of living, and, stunning artwork and architecture. As Humans have a rather short lifespan compared to some other races they are well known for the debauchery and entertainment one can enjoy at any time. While there are strict social conventions around the laws that govern the Electorate, personal life is largely left alone by the government. Couples, married or no, are expected to look after any children they produce until the age of sixteen when the boys and girls alike are expected to serve two years in the Navy. They can escape the Navy by voluntarily joining the Army. Children who are orphaned are taken into the care of the Electorate and more often than not end up on Trade or Navy ships. Their parents, considered deadbeats by society, are often shunned or exiled. [h2][center] [b]Magic/Technology[/b][/center][/h2] [center] [img][/img] [sub]An Electorate Alchemist[/sub][/center] Magic is a four letter word in Ordensburg and their grasp on it is weak a best, more for party tricks than anything. They have learned to counter it with technology borrowed from the days of the Adronian Empire and further developed by their own Alchemists. They may not be magically inclined but they have made some interesting leaps and bounds in the realm of gunpowder and the like. Their ships carry cannons and their infantry have blunderbuss style weapons that are devastating at close range. [center][h2][b]Economy & Industry[/b][/h2] [img][/img] [sub]The Great Shipyards of Rēzekne[/sub][/center] Ordensburg on its own could barely support the people it has within its own borders s far as foodstuffs and the basics of life. Because of this, virtually everything they need for construction of buildings, clothing, weapons and even ships must come from overseas. Few precious stones or materials can be found on the islands that make up the Electorate and so luxury goods must also be brought in. Withou the great trade network that the Electorate maintains, it could not afford to do more than eat, and probably not even that. [center][b][h2]Army Overview[/h2][/b][/center] [center][img][/img] [sub]Electorate Military Headquarters[/sub][/center] As previously mentioned, the Electorate maintains a small, completely volunteer army. It is a highly professional army and spends a good deal of time in the field, being rotated home on a regular basis for rest and refit and to provide security for the home islands. The army favours a partial-plate type of armour and is supported by both archers and hand cannons. Artillery is modest at best and is rarely used expect for sieges. [hider=Infantry] [center] [img][/img] [sub]Standard Foot Soldier[/sub][/center] The Standard Electorate foot soldier is armoured in partial plate and has a choice of hand weapons, swords, axes, glaives, pikes, etc. The fighting style of these particular units is to be highly mobile as they are simply not enough of them to get into a toe-to-toe slugging match with much larger armies. [center][img][/img] [sub]Famous Greatswordsman Erik Oblast[/sub][/center] The Greatswords are an elite unit of the Odensburg military. They are the biggest, most fearless and the strongest of all the Electorates foot troops. The swords they carry are nearly their own height and can shatter bone even if they fail to cut through the enemy armour. [/hider] [hider=Ranged Troops] [center][img][/img] [sub]Crossbowman[/sub][/center] What the hand cannons lack in range the Crossbow more than makes up for. The crossbow, while slow to load, out ranges any straight and it an excellent pairing for the hand cannons. [center] [img][/img] [sub]A Hand Cannoneer[/sub][/center] The lack of magic is made up for by men with hand cannons. Much smaller than your standard cannon of course, they are devastating as armour piercing weapons and scare most creatures. They’re terribly inaccurate at range. [/hider] [hider=cavalry] [center][img][/img] [sub]An Ordensburg Cavalry Charge[/sub][/center] No army is complete without Cavalry and the Electorate deploys its own version fo the traditional heavy horse. While they could never withstand a direct charge from heavy knights, the Electoral cavalry is quick moving, well armed, and all carry small hand held crossbows. [/hider] [center][b][h2]Ship Overview[/h2][/b][/center] [center][img][/img] [sub]Electorate Ships Battle a Giant Kraken[/sub][/center] Being a nation of sea going trade, the Electorate has built a mighty fleet of Caravels and Grand Caravels, ships that can carry trade as well as defend themselves if needed, in the case of the Grand Caravels, serve as Naval warships. These ships carry cannons and swivel guns for close in work. Each warship carries a detachment of Marines. [hider= Trade Caravel] [center][img][/img] [sub]Trade Caravel[/sub][/center] Trade Caravels are small ships, relying more on speed than any serious armament to avoid being attacked. If the area they are being sent to it considered dangerous than a larger Grand Caravel will accompany them in convoy to provide protection. [/hider] [hider= Grand Caravel] [center][img][/img] [sub]Grand Caravels Depart Ordensburg’s Main Harbour.[/sub][/center] The Grand Caravels are the largest and most powerful ships afloat. Carrying up to fifty guns, these huge ships of war allow the Electorate to project its presence across the world and protect its vital shipping lanes. These ships, given their great size, are ideal for moving troops as well as battle the monstrous creatures that can be found beneath the seas.[/hider] [/justify] [/hider]