[color=#9900cc] [h3][center]Mara Scelus[/center][/h3][/color][right][i]Dewmeadow Current Team: -- Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500)[/i][/right] Mara continued staring at the stranger as he shook Rowan’s hand, and for a moment, she felt slightly offended. How come [i]Rowan[/i] got the attention of the stranger? It was hardly like he spent every waking moment thinking about any place other than Dewmeadow! She frowned a bit, sliding into an unusually bitter mood. It was just typical for starry eyed Rowan to… [i]Wait…. He’s from Johto?[/i] Mara’s eyes widened and her jealously towards Rowan vanished instantly. The stranger—no, Yasha, she corrected herself—came from the Johto region. Mara knew very little about geography beyond Huji, but as far as she could tell, Johto had to be somewhere exotic. Perhaps, it was a place overrun by pirates, and this Yasha had gone on some sort of daring adventure to defend forbidden knowledge! Quickly becoming excited, Mara did her best to maintain her usual cool composure, but it was no use. She was too distracted to even notice Yasha’s reaction to her. [color=#9900cc]”So you’re from Johto—tell us all about it, then!” [/color]Mara demanded eagerly, before attempting once more to appear cool. [color=#9900cc]“That is, if you’re telling the truth…Yasha.” [/color] She rocked on her heals slightly, waiting with trepidation. She paid no more attention to Rowan or anything around her. The professor could have arrived and announced that all of the pokemon had to be sent to Redorchard to fulfill demand and Mara wouldn’t have noticed. [color=#9900cc]”We don’t get strangers here very often…”[/color] Mara added once more, before resolving to stay quiet until the stranger had a chance to respond.