[@Diggerton][@EurmalEye][@Bourgeoisie][@LeonVon] It only took Lancer a second to decide he would not give Ms. Shepard the pleasure of learning the actual whereabouts of his home-he also made a mental note to learn all he could about tomato plants in a better effort to somehow further this completely on the fly lie. He was in the process of making up names for friends when he decided it was probably best to stear the conversation elsewhere, a task that proved somewhat easier with the rude interruption of good ol Ed. Still, Lancer had to admit (although he never would outloud) he was rather glad that the fair skinned woman who he mentally called Ms. Shepard was putting up such a lively display of thoughtful banter. In his experience most simply folded like a tower of shoddily stacked cards. Before he knew what was happening Lancer had been forced to endure having a bag of poisonous British leafs practically shoved down his throat by the aforementioned Ms. Shepard while good old Ed rambled on about...Love and friendship? Probably something along those lines, although Lancer honestly wasn't really sure on account of him not giving a damn what the man said. Instead his focus was more on the offered teabag now hanging infront of his face, his seemingly always hostile gaze treating the thing like it was some sort of diseased bubonic plague carrying rat. For a brief moment he simply looked at the dangling bag in a very personal display of silent disgust before wordlessly tossing the damned thing out the open helicopter door. He was fairly certain he had just saved all of their lives. With the tea crisis averted Lancer fully remembered what old man Ed had been saying. [u][b]"Lancer, there's no need for hostility. Let's all get along, alright."[/b][/u] At the mere suggestion Lancer seemed extremely insulted, as if Ed had just slapped him in the face with a wet fish(served with Earl Grey.) His eyes furrowed into his usual expression of anger as his volatile gaze turned from Ms. Shepard to Ed.[i] Did the man who personified small town sheriff really just say that?[/i] More importantly, [i]did he really just say that and then flash that classic shit eating grin?[/i] Lancer had to give the man credit though-afterall it had been a good long while since he'd seen a brute like Ed who seemed to somehow mime the actual emotions of a human being. Fortunately Lancer knew better than to be fooled. [i]“[b]Right.[/b] Right your are Ed. Lets all just play friendly like one big Breakfast Club, is that it?!”[/i] His ramblings were punctuated here with a loud [b]'Bah!'[/b] before his frustrations were turned towards one of the bags at his feet. Quickly rummaging through the same contents that Wheezy had already gone through Lancer was somewhat impressed to see some fairly useful things here. Without a word to the team he pocketed a good number of crystals and the only piece of thick white chalk: he'd thought it best to safeguard the precious item before Wheezy and Ed got the idea to doodle with the valuable tool or some other such nonsense. Up until this point Lancer had done his best to ignore good old Eds clear and outlandish attempts to insult him. Much to his chagrin though the dinosaur of a man just couldn't seem to quit talking. [u][b]"That sounds like a good idea. You guys can go check out the library and the clerks office after we talk to Mrs. Smith, but I think I'll stick around and try to get some information out of her. I was a detective so I've got a little experience working a witness- er, well, Mrs. Smith isn't a witness, but you get my meaning." [/b][/u] [i]“Oh, we all get your [b]meaning[/b] Sheriff Ed.”[/i] Lancer spat back, well aware of his bulky companions intents to terrorize some poor widow with some well rehearsed bad cop routine no doubt. Or atleast that's what Lancer had decided was more than likely to happen.[i] “And I hope that when you say [u]'You guys'[/u] as you so eloquently put it, [b]ED,[/b] you don't really intend to have me chaperoning this little field trip to the library do you?”[/i] His gaze momentarily met Ms. Shepards again as if moving a pawn on his unseen mental chess board. He wasn't sure if she'd picked up the gesture though-Regardless he kept on talking in a manner that made it rather apparent how he felt about Ed and in many ways the world in general. [i]“I myself have a more direct approach in mind. But please, [b]don't[/b] let that stop you lot from [b]badgering widows and applying for library cards.[/b] I mean, we all have to play to our strengths afterall, am I right?”[/i] He finished his latest verbal assault with the same oddly disturbing coffee stained half grin that had graced the group in the aftermath of his first dark joke.