[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjczOWMxYy5TRzkzSUdGaWIzVjBJR0VnY21sa1pTQm9ZVzVrYzI5dFpUOCwuMA,,/elephant-ears-demo.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LiU58SQ.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6SxPWX4.gif[/img] [b][u]Location[/u][/b] Parking Lot → Wide Open Road [b][u]Interacting With[/u][/b] Each Other [@Universorum], Geo(mentioned multiple times) [@Aewin][hr][/center] David pulled his phone out of his pocket and frowned at the message from Geo. Lunch, lunch… lunch was an eternity ago, how was he supposed to remember where he was during lunch? Wait--therapy, it was a therapy day. Davy punched the reply button: [center][b][color=mediumslateblue]Rocks:[/color] Uhmm… Lunch? I was… in art class. I RLY like art class[/b][/center] David shrugged and paused as he read over the second text. ....Sprinkles! [i]Shit[/i], the duck was home alone! Usually, Davy checked on him at lunch, and then dropped him off at the [i]Pet Inn[/i] where he just hung out with Geo and the animals for as long as he could before he went home and… got stoned with his duck and played Tony Hawk’s Underground until he passed out, but today, between the therapy, and his interaction with that really hot British girl, he hadn’t had a chance to even think about his duck, let alone pick him up and drop him off… [center][b][color=mediumslateblue]Rocks:[/color] Oh, we’ll be there soon! I’ll be late today, I gotta go get him and then go back and the skateboard I rode to school got confiscated cuz I had a crash today…[/b][/center] David’s head then snapped up as he heard a honk, looking around for the source of it, and absently wondering if he’d done something wrong already. A [url=http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201404/2015-maserati-granturismo_1600x0w.jpg]blue Maserati Turismo Convertible[/url] pulled up next to where Davy was walking, a blonde in the driver's seat. She looked at Davy for a moment, noticing that absentminded look in his face. A smile graced her face. [color=goldenrod]"Why the forgetful look, hun? Have you forgotten me already?"[/color] Viola teasingly asked, left arm out, hanging over the door. Oh, there was the very same hot girl from earlier. Davy considered her question for a minute and looked over his shoulder to ensure there was nowhere from the school nearby. [color=228b22][b]"I'm gonna be... totally, one hundred percent honest with you. I'm just kinda stoned. A little. Maybe a lot."[/b][/color] He explained sheepishly, shrugging. [color=228b22][b]"I'm trying to get back to my house to get my duck, then I gotta go to the [i]Pet Inn,[/i] cuz I told Geo I would."[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod][i]A skater who has a duck? Quite the interesting guy you are, Davy.[/i][/color] Viola had to admit that this guy - this Davy - proved to be more interesting and intriguing the more she engaged with him. At first sight, he just seemed like a guy who may or may not smoke a little of that kush and ride a skateboard a bit too much(and built quite admirably), but he owns a duck too? Perhaps her would prove to be more of an interesting conquest than most she encountered. Viola would test that theory. [color=goldenrod]"Hop on in. I'll give you a ride home. It's bound to be faster than walking."[/color] Viola gestured Davy to get into the passenger's seat, her head rocking to the right. David considered it for a few seconds before shrugging. After all, Vi [i]was[/i] right., It'd certainly be faster than walking, if nothing else. He opened the door to the car and let himself in, buckling up. [color=228b22][b]"Cool, thanks man. Vi, I mean. My house is that way,"[/b][/color] he explained, pointing toward the street his house was on. [color=228b22][b]"I can just walk with Sprinkles if you want. That's my duck. So that he doesn't have to ride in your car."[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod]"Out of the question, hun. Your duck can ride with us. The Pet Inn is quite ways away, so it'll be faster for you to just get a ride there, too. Plus, it'll allow me the opportunity to get to know you better."[/color] she said. Viola shot Davy a wink as she would proceed to the direction that Davy pointed out that his house was. It didn't seem that it would be a long drive. Surprisingly, Davy didn't live that far away from where the school was; maybe just about ten minutes off from where the school was rested his home street. They would be there in half the time, but surely enough time for them to get to know each other a little more. [color=228b22][b]"Oh, well, alright. Thank you very much. ...what do you want to know about me, exactly? There's not [i]much[/i], really. I don't do a bunch, just skateboard and do parkour, and sometimes I do freestyle motocross stuff, and surf. I'm pretty okay at BMX too, but I like skateboards a lot more, way more freedom I think. Mountain biking is pretty fun, and I'm super big on snowboarding, but in sunny southern California, there's not many places to do that."[/b][/color] David made a face. He honestly wished there were more places to snowboard and that he could do it more often, but alas, he had to wait for winter. [color=228b22][b]"Oh, and I'm kinda thinking about getting another pet. A turtle, maybe."[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod]"And here I thought you were just a skater. You're really something, aren't you?"[/color] Viola said, keeping her eyes on the road. A red light came. She stopped the car. They were behind about four or five cars. Of course they would be. It was near rush hour, so it was no doubt going to be longer than she anticipated. It wasn't a problem, though. It gave Viola to dig more about him. Not just what his interests were, but something deeper than that. Viola was highly intrigued in him, and this was the most time she had spent with someone new that wasn't already trying to get into her pants. The old "give you a ride" trick from her book was always that sure-fire way to [i]enable[/i] the other person to have the balls to make a move, but Davy didn't - and Viola found that interesting. [color=goldenrod]"All of those extreme sports you do must make you popular with the ladies. A guy as handsome as you, I'm sure you must drop a few panties here and there."[/color] Viola winked at Davy once more. The light was still red. David looked forward toward the cars as Viola spoke, his cheeks suddenly flushing a little red. Popular with the ladies? Panties dropped? He cleared his throat awkwardly--and maybe it was the courage from the dope, but he decided to just continue being completely honest with the girl. [color=228b22][b]"Uhm, well, actually, Vi. I haven't ever even kissed a girl, honestly. Like I said, I just kinda keep to myself, it hasn't led to many panties being dropped around me..."[/b][/color] Davy shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window. He still wasn't entirely sure why Viola was so into him, but he wasn't [i]yet[/i] worried about it. Davy was really enjoying the attention, actually... [color=228b22][b]"Why, do you think I drop a lot of panties in my spare time?"[/b][/color] He looked back over at Viola and rolled his eyes. The light was [i]still[/i] red. Fucking traffic. "Have you looked in a mirror, Davy? That should be all the reason why I, a very attractive girl, would think that you, a very attractive guy, would have a line of other girls like me - granted girls who would probably be after your dick - just waiting for [i]it[/i]." she said. David opened his mouth to reply to Vi's statement, but words didn't come. It wasn't exactly fair of her to put him on the spot like that--after all, he was pretty clearly [i]bad[/i] when it came to... well, people. But, he was starting to realize, Viola didn't care about that. Viola was never one to be coy when it came to her words. There might have been times where she played games, but that was only in certain situations with [i]certain[/i] stepdaughter of a certain Samoan teacher that didn't know how to keep her mouth shut(or hands to herself). So, Viola wasn't going to play keep away with what she thought of Davy. Even a blind monkey could tell that he had the rippling body of a pro-class athlete. Viola gazed upon Davy for a hot second. Humming shortly, Viola gestured him with her right index finger only to lean closer to her. David had an uncertain look on his face as she gestured him closer, but he again thought about how being confident had worked out for him so far... So far, so good, right? If it ain't broken, don't fix it. That was really all the convincing he needed, and as she beckoned at him, Davy leaned forward toward her slowly. Even though it seemed like Davy was leaning closer to Viola in slow motion, she would cheat. She would lean in as well. Their faces couldn't be no more than half of a foot away. By the time it had decreased one inche, Viola gripped the side of Davy's face with both of her hands gently. A soft, seductive smile was shot his way. The smile then turned into a smirk as she laid a nice, three-second kiss on him. And as soon as it began, she pulled away, wiping the strawberry lip gloss off his lips with her left thumb, pressing it gently on his lips. [color=goldenrod]"There's more where that came from."[/color] Viola gave him a wink again. Her head turned forward, and the light had turned green. She started to drive as soon as the car in front of them had started moving. His eyes were wide, and he had... butterflies in his tummy? First kiss, it wasn't necessarily his fault. He cleared his throat and nodded in response to Viola's statements. He licked his lips, tasting the remnants of the lips gloss and then glanced out the window. Oh, boy, this was [i]way[/i] more than he'd asked for getting into the car... [color=228b22][b]"...more like what?"[/b][/color] Davy couldn't help but ask. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Hopefully. "Curious are we?" Viola that after the taste of her that he had, Davy would want more. Obviously since he didn't yell or scream or do anything that would suggest otherwise. So, Viola had it under good authority that Davy, whether he knew it right now or not, would come to her for more. Yeah, she had him. [color=goldenrod]"Stick with me, [i]skater boy[/i], and plenty more will come your way."[/color] she said, puckering her lips, giving the implication of a kiss his way. Of course he was curious, how could he not be? He'd never kissed a girl before, and now [i]this[/i]! Wait, what'd she call him? Skater boy? That was what Geo called him... Geo... wait, Sprinkles was still alone! Davy shook himself from the numbness that covered his body and looked down at his watch. [color=228b22][b]"Oh man, we'd better hurry. I told Geo I'd come with my duck and my duck's probably hungry and he's been alone all day..."[/b][/color] Viola chuckled. While Davy was getting a bit antsy about being late, he, perhaps, forgot to notice how the car had came to a stop just five seconds ago. [color=goldenrod]"Hun, no need to freak out."[/color] Viola said, her right index finger gesturing to the house that the car was parked in front of. [color=goldenrod]"This is your house, is it not?"[/color] Viola asked, eyes and a smile on Davy. Davy looked around, noticing that they [i]were[/i] directly in front of his house. [color=228b22][b]"Okay, cool! Are you sure you want to come to the Pet Inn? You don't have to, really, it might be... kinda boring for you. I don't really know what you like."[/b][/color] He explained, opening the door and stepping out of the car. [color=goldenrod]"I'm quite sure, hun."[/color] Viola assured Davy, [color=goldenrod]"besides, I'm curious to see you in your element."[/color] Half true. Viola was curious to see how Davy was with pets, but also she wanted to see what this Geo chick was like. Only in name had she heard of her. Even as vast as her network of contacts within Beverly Hills High was, Geo somehow has slipped under her radar. Davy tilted his head curiously, staring at her. In his element? What did that even mean? His element wasn't exactly the back of the Pet Inn with Geo and Sprinkles--although that was certainly more of a comfort zone for him than Viola's car... [color=228b22][b]"Okay, well... let me go get Sprinkles. But stay here. Kay? Kay."[/b][/color] He said before slipping out of the car and jogging up to his door, letting himself in. A few minutes later, he emerged from the house, his duck in his arms. As he approached Viola's car, Sprinkles quacked in greeting, [color=228b22][b]"Vi, this is Sprinkles. He's a duck. Sprinkles, this is Vi."[/b][/color] He held the duck out, and again, Sprinkles quacked. Viola looked at the duck. She gauged its facial expression, then her eyes went to Davy. She exampined him, specifically his face looking at her when she looked at the duck. Viola could definitely say that she never experienced something quite like this. She knew Davy was an interesting fellow, but didn't think that when he mentioned the duck that it would be quite like this. It had her even more intrigued. [color=goldenrod]"A pleasure."[/color] Viola didn't know what to say, so she kept her words minimal. Without saying anything more, Viola would wait for Davy to get himself and the duck situated, and she took off to the Pet Inn. If one thing could be said about this afternoon, Viola would experience something she never had in her entire life - it excited her; and who knows? Maybe she'll learn more about Geo. Oh what fun this would be.