The massive door slams shut with a resounding boom, echoing throughout the vast expanse of tunnels as faint voices approach in a frantic manner. Miguel drops the equally massive steel beam down into place - across the door - barricading himself in. The muffled sound of fists desperately pounding on the other side is barely audible. They've been chasing him through the maze of underground passages for the better part of an hour. Raiders. Three of them. They followed him to a secret entryway nestled within the basement of an abandoned apartment building outside of the safe zone. Now he's kicking himself in the ass for being so careless. They'll have to be dealt with before he can go any further. They'll have to die. As a second-hand safety measure, Miguel slides a small latch into place on the door, securing it with a hefty padlock which clicks into place. Then, he steps away from the door and navigates a small passageway that leads North. After about 70 feet, he stops and reaches upward, grabbing hold of a small, black wrought-iron handle welded into the ceiling. A light tug reveals a small hatch, wide enough for a man to fit through, opening into uninviting darkness above. Miguel jumps up to catch hold of a small ladder, first dangling by his fingers before pulling his body up and disappearing into the pitch blackness beyond. His gloved hand reaches down to quietly close the hatch below himself. A stack of makeshift pipe bombs is hardly visible by the faint glow of a flashlight from below. Miguel finds them more by memory than sight. There are a thousand other stacks of bombs located all over in the subterranean network used by smugglers such as himself. Miguel holds one of the bombs firmly in his grasp as he peers down through a small pinhole between himself and the passage below. He observes the assailants for a few minutes while they babble among themselves in hushed tones. Then, knowing they need to be dealt with accordingly before attracting unwanted attention, Miguel makes his move. He pokes a finger through the pinhole and quietly pulls upward to reveal another secret hatch. Next, he leans away from the hole to strike a match and light the pipe bomb before silently dropping it into the passage below and setting the hatch back into place. There are a few moments of muffled voices responding with surprise and confusion before a deafening blast rips through the tunnel. Miguel lifts the hatch again and drops down into the smokey passageway, this time with a knife in hand. He quickly takes in the scene before him. One of the raiders is huddled over another who is sprawled out on the floor. The third, a guy with a piss-yellow mohawk and ragged black clothing, is checking himself to make sure he's still in one piece after the blast. Miguel steps across the passageway, immediately closing the distance, and drives the blade of his knife into the raider's neck before carving outward, ripping his throat open. The raider clutches at his gruesome wound as a horrid look of surprise plays across his face. He reels away and collapses, choking to death on his own blood. The second raider, still huddled over his comrade, now rises to his feet, approaches and swings. Miguel ducks and drives the blade of his knife up into the raider's armpit. The guy lets out a cry of intense pain before collapsing to his knees. Miguel finishes him off with a stab to the neck and a twist of the blade. The raider slumps to the floor and expires. Finally, he turns his attention to the third raider still sprawled out on the floor. He speculates that the guy had been knocked unconscious by the blast. Approaching, Miguel stands over him and raises a booted foot. A quick stomp to the head, followed by the loud crack of bone, confirms a broken neck. Miguel then climbs back up through the secret hatch, disappearing into the darkness beyond.