(It would take me years to catch you up by posting the stories. I'll probably do that anyway, but for now here is a brief summary of every story. I've chosen to focus on the protagonist side of things, and I think you'll understand at the end of VII.) [u][b]Final Fantasy I[/b][/u] [i]Zenobia[/i] is a massive, technologically advanced desert metropolis. An empire seeking to conquer and erase the old world. Using their far superior technology they sweep the vast continent committing genocide, and establish new Zenobian cities atop the ruins and corpses. The desert city is divided in two. The core of the city is awe inspiring. Buildings that tower into the sky. Wealth and luxury for every man and woman. Highly advanced technology ingrained into daily life. Outside the core, beyond the walls and defenses, the people of the slums suffer in poverty and oppression, living in crudely built structures under horrible conditions. [b]Anastasia Maria Grace[/b] is a resident of the slums. She is an everyday 23 year old girl who believes so strongly in the ideals of equality, freedom, and world peace that she is willing to stand against an entity so powerful that any hope of a world free of it has been lost. She and three of her friends (Jin, Willow, Kato) plan an attack on Zenobia Prime HQ, a technology corporation owned by Prince Sarovoc Ducrinus and the sole provider of energy to the entire city. The plan fails and Ana's friends are killed by the faulty explosive timers. She is rescued by a mysterious outsider who calls himself [b]Edge[/b]. He parts ways to protect her (as he is being hunted by Zenobian troops), instructing her to meet him at Odessa Inn. With her best friends dead she goes to the only place she can think of. [b]Stryker[/b] is ex-Zenobian Special Forces, the owner/operator of Rebel Radio, and mentor to Jin. He volunteers to escort her to Odessa. Leaving Zenobia for the very first time, Ana accidentally embarks on an epic journey that takes her across the world to crusade against the Zenobian Empire. She meets [b]Juakeem Mohinder[/b], a Bedouin warrior and chocobo breeder, and his war bird [b]Shae'elle[/b]. He gives her a young, unremarkable chocobo named [b]Boko[/b] who is determined to become a worthy war bird. The group meets Edge and Commander [b]Bastian Fairheart[/b] at [i]Odessa Inn[/i]. The Inn is a front for a rebel base located beneath the ground. The base is compromised by Zenobian forces and Bastian leads the group out of the desert and into the wilderness. Along their journey they meet [b]Casius Magnus[/b], a nomadic Black Mage who saved Ana from capture back on the road to Odessa. They also meet [b]Lillian Nobunaga[/b], a Swordstress, traveling warrior and the last of her ancient race. When they reach the coast, they meet [b]Cideon Armstrong[/b], Captain of the [u][i]Free Airship Valiant[/i][/u] and his nephews [b]Biggs and Wedge[/b]. Cid reluctantly grants them sanctuary aboard his ship. Ana inspires Cid to stop hiding underwater instead of living and fighting. While helping rebel forces defend a city from Zenobian assault, the group has an encounter with [b]Marrick Cross[/b], a White Mage and exiled Paladin of Whiteguard. They also square off with the Agents of the [i]Chimera Initiative[/i]. [b]Victor Chimera[/b], ex-Zenobian Special Forces, ex-Imperial Operative, and war hero. [b]Leo and Lyra Stratta[/b], lethal killing machines trained by the legendary brute [i]Hogo Marks[/i]. [b]Tallis "Tank" Cortez[/b], heavy weapons and demolition expert. [b]Callixta "Raven" Ravana[/b], deadly sniper and ace pilot. Marrick attempts to commandeer the Valiant, but is thwarted by the crew. The Zenobian attack fails. Bastian (through his belief in Ana's ability to inspire otherwise defeated men) suggests that she be taken to [u][i]Tessafe's Mirror of Fate[/i][/u], a standing mirror with decorative silver framework said to have belonged to Queen Tessafe of Whiteguard. This mystical, enchanted mirror shows any who gaze into it an image of importance. What it shows you varies, and it's not always easy to understand. One by one the group enters the temple to behold the mirror's message. (In order, identifying what they saw, and whether it was shown or later revealed) [b]Biggs[/b] (shown) - A man in a white mask (Leo Stratta, and the man who kills him. He did not encounter Leo at the previous battle, so he does not recognize him) [b]Wedge [/b](revealed) - A knight clad in black armour holding a bloody sword ([i]Kierkess Aventola[/i], and the man who kills him in VIII) [b]Seto[/b] (Edge) (shown) - A Dragon's eye opening (The awakening of Bahamut) [b]Lilly[/b] (revealed) - A flaming bird (Phoenix) [b]Bastian[/b] ("revealed) - A soaring white dove (Symbolizing Ana, freedom, and hope) [b]Stryker[/b] (revealed) - Ana [b]Casius[/b] (revealed) - Ana [b]Ana[/b] (revealed) - It shows her everything. All of the events about to unfold up to and including VIII.