[u][b]Final Fantasy III​[/b][/u] The group has taken on refugees from the Kiratoma Army and must take them to [i]Andora[/i], the Rebel Capitol. Cid and Stryker confront Marrick about his White Mage heritage, the reason he wanted to defend Kiratoma being that it's dense, harsh territory was the last defense between Zenobian lines and [i]Whiteguard territory[/i]. Marrick is honest about his being born a Paladin of Whiteguard, devoting his life to the crown and being exiled by the Arch Mage for falling in love with his granddaughter. Stryker confesses to Cid and Marrick that he used to be Special Forces, army before that. Devoted his life to helping slaughter the people he's trying to help now. Cid accepts them both as them men they are today. Andora brings a new hope. Several outlying pro-Andoran nations have mustered their armies and are preparing to attack a Zenobian fortress alongside Andorans. They capture the fortress. During the battle a mysterious man ([b]Hayvian Solaris[/b]) saves Seto's life, disappearing afterward. Casius arrives during the battle (he was told to go to Andora as the group was leaving). But Sarovoc Ducrinus approaches from above with Callixta in a helicopter. He takes careful aim with Raven's long range rifle. Seto sees the chopper and moves to reach Ana, yelling her name. A mysterious man ([b]Simeon Ortega[/b]) grapples his torso, holding him back. (I can't even write about this without tearing up. Ah! Omg, it's intense) Sarovoc pulls the trigger and a high powered round rips through Ana's chest killing her instantly. The rebel heroine and domestic terrorist is dead... The group looks on helplessly and in horror. Seto rushes to her side. As this intense, profound emotional maelstrom ignites within Seto, a void of energy forms high above him. A massive sapphire dragon emerges head-first, rotating as it comes forth before extending his wings... [u][b]Bahamut[/b][/u]! Callixta and Sarovoc hightail it out of there, narrowly dodging Tri Flare attacks from the forgotten deity. He looms in the sky, circling around and around as Seto holds Ana's body in his arms. The group captures the mysterious man. [i]By now Ana has travelled across the world, meeting and inspiring hundreds of thousands of lives. She taught people that strength isn't determined by one's skill with a blade, but by the quality of their character. She also started a world-wide feminine movement, inspiring millions of women and girls to be what they want to be, not what's expected of them.[/i]