[u][b]Final Fantasy VI​[/b][/u] Seto searches an ancient ruin with a torch, coming upon an ebony skull in a pool of water. He recovers [b]Diablos[/b] and [b]Doomtrain[/b]. The gang encounter the [i]Chimera Initiative[/i] in an ancient temple compound and fight there way out with [b]Sylph[/b] and [b]Typhoon[/b]. The gang reunites with Seto. [b]Elder Kirin[/b] summons him by teleporting him to [i]Mount Ramuh[/i] in front of the members of his high council. The oldest and most powerful of Time Mages; thousands of years old. His back is to them with Kirin before him. He cannot see or hear them, but he can feel their eyes on him, their presence and judgement. It brings him to tears, dropping to his knees. Kirin tells him the recently acquired deities are dangerous and must be returned to Gallik Baal'a immediately. He takes him to a secluded area of the wilderness, comforting him, but telling him that the [i][u]Time Stream[/u][/i] was broken by a curious young Time Mage after reading a book from the library of world culture and history. He stole a very specific ring and used it to travel back in time in an attempt to change the course of events. He saved Seto's life, hoping he would save Ana's. A man was sent to capture him and return him to his own place the Time Stream. During the process, he stopped Seto from potentially altering the natural course of events. He gives him eight enchanted rings that cast protect on their wearer. He asks him what he thinks the Mirror showed Ana. Why she changed from that moment forward. He begins to put all of the little clues together. Kirin says simply, "Keep fighting." And tells him to find [i]The Tomb of Alexander[/i]. Seto is returned to the group and he emotionally reveals to the group that the Mirror showed Ana the future, even after her death. They gather to deal with the summons; who will be charged with what deities. Leo has uncovered [b]Cerberus[/b] and unleashes it on a village of fisherman. [b]Tybin and Sabin Marks[/b] are hired by Sarovoc to deal with Cid and his band of misfit strays. Sabin Marks shoots The Valiant out of the sky. Leo unleashes Cerberus and engages himself. His hellhound devours crew members as they evacuate the grounded vessel and Biggs engages Leo having Titan occupy Cerberus. Leo kills Biggs, mutilating and disgracing his corpse, kicking it around. Using wind magic from Sylph and Typhoon and his Qiang training, Wedge clashes with Leo in a heated duel. The heroes gain control and drive off the Initiative and the Marks brothers. Reinforcements arrive and the ship is fixed up and Biggs is buried next to Ana at the [b]Mana Tree[/b]. The group heads for [i]The Tomb of Alexander[/i]. But Seto rushes ahead of the party while they take 20 to prepare. While entering the musty stairwell he is ambushed by Sarovoc and shot three times in the torso. [b]Priestess Talla[/b] has had a vision of Sarovoc obtaining [b]Alexander & Crusader[/b], and through it, Seto's death. She rushes by chocobo to his aid, reviving him before it's too late. Zenobia invades Whiteguard with force. Sarovoc marches into the [i]High Temple[/i] and cuts Talla's throat when she tells him that Seto will come for him. Marrick betrays the gang, snatching Seto's pendant and [b]Bahamut[/b] along with it. He's cut a deal with Sarovoc to spare his people.