[u][b]Final Fantasy VII​[/b][/u] Marrick serves Sarovoc in attempting to use Bahamut to create a weapon capable of protecting Zenobia from the Gods by killing them. The pendant remains useless to them and Sarovoc grows angry with Marrick. Kirin once again visits Seto aboard the Valiant. He tells him of one who may be able to defeat Alexander. [b]Odin and Gilgamesh[/b] become the group's next move. He also gives him [b]Shoat[/b], an odd Lesser Diety giving him access to low level Time Magic. At High Rock Plateau, the group retrieves [b]Odin & Gilgamesh[/b] and Lilly squares off with Leo, telling Cid to go and meet her at a nearby rebel base. She kills Leo in a fierce, intense battle. As he lays bleeding out, she hesitantly removes his mask revealing a baby faced young man. A single tear rolls down his cheek and she realizes they were not so different. The last of their kind, victims of Zenobia. Seto forces Cid to go back for Lilly. When Lyra finds out Leo was killed, she goes on a war path. She hunts the heroes down at a rebel base, and Zenobians hit it hard. Lyra faces off with Lilly in a blind rage, shooting her in the stomach before using her scimitar to have fun with her. Lilly digs deep and kills Lyra, freeing her from her torment, and putting an end to the Shinjan race. Sarovoc uses Alexander to influence the people of Whiteguard, claiming to be a child of the Gods and their chosen ruler. He aims to ensure the easy allegiance of Whiteguard to Zenobia and the Ducrinus name forever. Marrick discovers this and tries to kill Sarovoc. He fails and Sarovoc kills him. (Meanwhile) A movement begins to muster forces from around the world to attack the city of Zenobia. [b]Banion[/b] gathers warrior monks by the hundreds. [b]Juakeem[/b] summons his brethren and their war birds. [b]Bastian[/b] and the resistance amass the largest rebel force ever assembled. Men and women from all corners of the world answer the call. [b]Casius Magnus[/b] returns to he Veldt and does his best to sway the council, but they send him away, refusing to involve themselves. Word spreads and a group of several hundred follow Casius, becoming exiles to fight the Empire. The forces muster around Zenobia. Casius leads a preemptive strike with a savage blitz. He summons [b]Doomtrain[/b], which runs through Zenobia repeatedly, leaving devastation and rusted railroad tracks in it's wake. The [i]Black Mages[/i] conjure a flurry of meteors that ravage the core of the metropolis. Ifrit scorches hundreds of men, cooking them alive as Casius and his warriors unleash the art of Kel'no Synn upon the masses. Casius casts himself dry, his reflect spell falling as hundreds of bullets rip through him... The organized forces stand in anticipation, watching the show from afar. [b]Sarovoc[/b] is enraged by the devastation and unleashes his summons upon the opposing masses. The heroes respond and the rebel forces charge the Zenobian lines. A titanic duel of Gods is unfolding in the sand around, sky above, and in the streets of Zenobia as an epic, bloody conflict plays out in the sands outside the city. [b]Seto[/b] rides [b]Boko[/b] into the battle alongside [b]Juakeem[/b] and [b]Shae'elle[/b]. Sarovoc releases [b]Alexander[/b] upon the rebel soldiers. He obliterates masses of men before Seto sends [b]Gilgamesh[/b] to keep him busy. An epic fight ensues between the two. Seto finds Sarovoc and squares off with him. He kills him, ending the fight between Alexander and Gilgamesh before either would claim victory. Far away in the wilderness of the Sobral territory, [b]Henato Jr[/b] seeks advice from his father. He tells him that he holds a terrible responsibility. Fighting back tears, he tells him he will never know how sorry he is that it had to be him, but only he can summon [u][b]Bahamut ZERO[/b][/u]. Henato Jr is torn. He understands that Zenobia must be defeated, but he also understands the weight of what it will mean. As Sarovoc lays dying, the cloudy sky rips open as a massive onyx dragon penetrates the atmosphere. It hits the core of Zenobia with a Tetra Flare equivalent to several high powered nuclear warheads. Zenobia is leveled, only portions of the outermost slums left intact. Seto pulls his pendant from around Sarovoc's neck in the foggy aftermath. Zenobians lay down their arms as word of the unholy event spreads and soldiers return to behold the ruins of their Capitol. Advanced weapons of any kind are outlawed and destroyed all over Zenobia's reach and rebel holds and cultures. Universal peace is an ideal adopted by the major nations and enforced harshly. [i]New Zenobia[/i] is established out of the ruins, and a new government and ideology based on Ana's beliefs are adopted. [b]Stryker[/b] is pivotal in the rebuilding of Zenobia, and afterward travels the world spreading Ana's messages as he writes a book titled [u][b]The Epic of Anastasia[/b][/u] chronicling her journey and the resulting revolution and defeat of the Empire. He becomes an ambassador of peace, equality, and New Zenobia. [i]Casius and Marrick are burried with Ana and Biggs at the Mana Tree...[/i]