"Sorry, no time for me to eat. I need to get back to the training room and work on my shooting." Laura slipped out the door and went down the hall, walking her usual fast paced stride as she went. The halls were empty and quiet, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She recounted the behaviors of the other Freelancers at the meeting, noting herself as one of the few who seemed to be taking things seriously, the others being Montana and Alaska. Aside from them, it seemed the others were more interested in talking to eachother than they were in the Director's speech. Before she knew it, Laura had found her way back to the training room, and entered through the door. "FILSS, bring up some targets, I want to get some shooting practice in today." "Right away, Agent California. Would you like moving or stationary targets?" "Moving, and at approximately thirty five meters." As she spoke, two rings of twenty five targets rose from the floor around her, and a platform with weapons rose next to her. Laura grabbed a pair of M7 Submachine Guns and an M90 Close Assault shotgun, Stepping back from the table as it retracted into the floor. She stepped into the center of the two rings of targets, then spoke. "FILSS, start countdown." "Training start in three. Two. One. Begin." Laura started off by pointing her SMGs at two different targets, holding down the trigger, and releasing the storm of lead from the barrels of the weapons. The first targets fell quickly, and as she repositioned the weapons so as to aim at two new targets, she began running towards the edge of the ring, kicking through one target and into one behind it. As she jumped back, the targets fell, as well as the two hit by the bullets. She ran to another edge of the ring, gunning down another ten targets along her way with quick bursts. She drop kicked on target back into a second one behind it, firing her SMGs at the targets nearest to her in an outward arc, starting from the ones beside the target she kicked. By the time she pushed off the ground and back onto her feet, another ten had fallen. She turned around quickly and fired off the last rounds in the guns, grunting with slight frustration as the magazines went dry. She threw the first one into the air and the second at a target, then kicked the first gun out of the air at another target. Another two hit the ground. Twenty two were left standing, and she had twelve shots in her shotgun. With little thought, she turned and fired, taking down two targets that had rotated to behind her, then rolled and stopped in a kneel, firing again at another two. Eighteen and ten. She fired two more shots, claiming the lives of three targets near her. She jumped back to the center and turned on a heel, continuing with her momentum to the other side and firing more shots, one hitting one target, then next two, and the last a lucky three as she came to a stop near the edge, redirecting and firing again for another two hits. Seven targets, four shells left. She took a shot at two nearing eachother, scoring another two hits, then picked out individual targets with the last of her shots, leaving two standing when she ran out of ammunition. She threw the shotgun at one target as she rushed at the other, plowing into it and breaking it apart as the other one hit the ground. Slightly out of breath, Laura stood and regained her composure, talking to FILSS. "What was my time, FILSS?" "Fifty targets in one minute, thirty seven seconds." "Fuck, I thought I did better than that... Alright FILSS, start it again, and get me some more guns."