[center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/ally_gal/image_zpsf41d0eaf.jpg[/IMG][/center] Anastasia nodded and bowed slightly at Nestor's remark. She didn't realize how silly she might have seemed being so excited. She was here to help this Atticus fellow first and for most. She was getting to ahead of herself but it was not unlike her to do so. She took a step back from the crowd. Walking backwards slowly before she slumped down on a large rock. She watched all the different crowds of people talking away, the expressions on people's face showing loss,love and other many types of emotions. She was curious by there faces , she had not known love or truly loss. The people here were what appeared as a large family, one who had been split and twisted in all sort of ways. It was sad to watch, but also interesting by the story it created. She was used to the feeling of being ostracized, she got used to sitting alone in the shadows watching from afar. The type of things she learned from being on the outside of all situations was unmeasurable. With no one watching her she decided to take the time to change her cloths. She looked silly and out of place with her dress, but that being said Nestor did arrive in a hospital gown and another arrived naked. Reaching into her bag she grabbed her normal street cloths, a sweater jacket, jeans, a tank top and some dark boots. She put her jeans on first slipping them on under her dress. She buttoned the fabric up as she shifted a bit trying to get them to fit in the right places. Turning her back to the crowed she unzipped the front of her dress and let it drop to the ground pulling the tank top over her head. It was black, simple with no detailing but clung to her body quite nicely. Her jacket was the most interesting, having an elvish feeling to it she put on the jack , it was made of a type of sheep skin with a darker brown exterior. It fit around her hips and buttoned diagonally over her chest. The jacket had a large hood that wrapped around her shoulders, creating a drop over her chest showing a bit of her black tank top. The sleeves are fitted down the arms until it reached the elbow where it opened to create a drop sleeve. Intricate details in gold thread patterned over the shoulders and down the side of the sleeves. She also fixed her hair pulling her long hair down after she had kept it back. It was done in a large fish tail braid that she pulled over her shoulder. She grabbed her bag off the ground and stuffed the dress into the bag and sat back down on the rock. She wondered what was going to happen in the coming future, what this job entails. There was a large group of people who housed a great amount of power and then there was her. This is why she hated being around people, she knew a lot of the fault was hers, but she was not sure how to really communicate with people. She didn't know how to get people to like her , she didn't even know how to hold a conversation. This is where her spirit friends came, she talked to them learning to create conversation but all their moaning and groaning was She felt a cold hand on her shoulder, and with that simple touch her hair flashed to black. It was almost instant as her silver hair was enveloped by darkness. She shut her eyes as she could feel the ghost trying to take over her being. Her eyes shooting open a green type of smoke now coming from them as her eyes blackened with darkness. She was slumped over on the rock the grass around her feet dying and twisting in pain as the darkness ate away at the ground..... Trying to pull herself out of the darkness she fought against the spirit, sadly this happened to her more times then she like to omit, she was unsure of where this spirit had arrived from it was not one of her regulars but it damn well wanted to do something with her. Looking at her shoulder at the hand that seemed like any one she reached up and grabbed it with her hand lifting it from her shoulder with a lot of effort. The pressure that this spirit had on her was over bearing, she shook violently as she was finally able to get the ghost off her shoulder. The shock of the change knocked her back off the rock her feet hanging over the top of it. Her eyes had stopped glowing green, now that her powers were not needed. Looking up at the sky she caught her breath. " what the hell was that..." She said to herself, it may have just been a strong omen one to warn her what the future brings. She felt a bit scared now ...