[center]"Okay, I'm out. See you guys in a bit there is enough badassery here to fight off an army and I noticed that there was a bar around the corner and I feel thirsty. Wish to join me, HK? Of course you do!" Dragging the poor little droid along like he was a pet, Sykes walked out of the medical center and into the streets. He knew that the procedure on Noki would take a couple hours and he didn't want to sit on his ass and do nothing for two hours when he could be sloshed for two hours instead. He turned a couple corners with the trashcan behind him beeping and booping like a broken record player. Stepping into the bar, his ears were immediately raped by the [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaPf-MRKITg]Horrible Song[/url] came from the talentless hacks that called themselves musicians over on the stage across the room. He ignored it as he and HK came up to the bar counter and sat down, HK sitting right next to him. The drink that was served was weird and pink but it's smell and taste was oddly fruity and exotic. A couple drunk patrons, a human and a Raximorpbugperson, slid up next to him and bumped into him. He didn't mind it at first until one hung his head next to his and spoke. "My friend here doesn't like you!" With a few chuckles escaping his mouth he answered with a "Okay, good for you, buddy." but the man wasn't done yet. "I don't like you either! *hick*". Sykes couldn't help but bite and spoke again. "Awesome! That makes drinking so much more fun!" He rolled his eyes and went back to his drink before the drunken bastard spoke again. "We're wanted criminals on three planets! Do you know what that means?! *Hick*" "Noooo..." "It means we're going to kills ya!" The man threw a punch, missing horribly but hitting Syke's drink and spilling it everywhere. Sykes threw one back and knocked the idiot onto the floor. The Raxi-whatever jumped onto Sykes and tried to bite his head off but a properly placed boot on the bug's abdomen sent him over Sykes and into other bartenders who stood and drew weapons. The other bar members drew THEIR weapons as well and all at once, it became one huge standoff... Half an hour later... Sykes stumbled into the medical center as Noki was being finished up and processed. HK was with him with scorch marks all over his chassis and his electrical stunner was stuck in it's hatch. Sykes was in a rough shape, his hair was singed, his rifle was missing it's clip, his clothing was torn and singed, and his nose was bleeding. He grabbed onto Zuzen's armor and pulled his face down. "NEVER LET ME DO THAT AGAIN." Before falling over. _____ Today had been grueling for the young princess thus far. He had to get out of the room and enjoy some glorious euphoria for a few moments. Thankfully it was the Lizard's lunch break and he had an hour to himself. At least he thought he did as Aethel approached him and asked him "Whassup". He barely understood her language, only knowing that she called him Shalizar. He sighed, knowing that his break was going to go to waste because of this woman's ability to never shut up. "What do you want, little human? I am busy."[/center]