[hr][hr][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/eB6E3p/ch4.gif[/img][hr] [youtube]https://youtu.be/HiKfGZ5g_sQ[/youtube][/center][hr][center][h3][color=536d78]Character Death Count:[/color] 42 [/h3][/center][hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]Overview[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2][b][color=536d78]Settings:[/color][/b] [list][*] Justice California [*] Grimm Indiana [/list][b][color=536d78]Starting Date:[/color][/b] May 23rd, 2017 Ch. 4 [b][color=536d78]Rp Tags:[/color][/b] Modern, Slice-Of-Life, Crime, Thriller, Black Comedy, Murder Mystery, Mystical [b][color=536d78]Type Of RP:[/color][/b] This is a throw back crime conspiracy drama. It will have a lot of twists and turns. There will be clues given in posts that you can keep track of to help solve the mysteries as they unfold. Now, something very important - CHARACTERS CAN AND WILL DIE! This will be done randomly when events arise. It can happen to anyone at anytime without warning. You have been warned and we suggest a back up character to pull into the fray if that happens. [b][color=536d78]Goal Of RP:[/color][/b] Other than to stay alive? Solve the crimes and the mysteries as they comes along and unfold. [b][color=536d78]Number of Characters:[/color][/b] You start out with a max of 1 character, as time goes by and you prove your yourself in the RP, you may Rp more. Contact Gm about adding additional characters. Starting at Chapter 4, we are having a 2 character max per RPer. [color=536d78][b][i]Links To Starter Posts:[/i][/b][/color][list][*] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3644801]Start Of Chapter 1[/url] [*] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3845109]Start Of Chapter 2[/url] [*] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4426995]Start Of Chapter 3[/url] [*] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4773067]Start Of Chapter 4[/url][/list][color=536d78][b][i]Special Notes:[/i][/b][/color] [list][*] We are currently accepting characters with a starting location of Chicago. [*] Only Male characters currently.[*] May have no attachment to Grimm or Justice.[/list] [hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]Premise[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] There is are a plague of murders and killings spreading like wildfire. The epicenter is none other than the city of Justice. Located along the coast of California. Murder Town USA. Here a line of conspiracy theories stretching from the east coast to the west began to weave a web of death together. Each strand created from another death. All seemingly to lead back to a secret organization of powerful women known as Juno. All in search of the smallest of trinkets unearthed by Professor Richard Gerard while he was on an archeological dig in Greece. Why are they after this? Why so much murder to get ahold of them? Isn't that what we are trying to figure out? Yes, yes it is. The thing is, even when we know what we should be doing, what we are after, what answers we must seek, nothing is ever as simple as we wish it to be. With each murder, with each death more questions come into focus. And those we once thought as our allies have become our enemies. Why? Because as we seek justice for one deed, do we not create a need for another to seek justice in their own right? It is a grim situation to be in when there are people that play as gods in the dark corners of the world. It creates ruins of madness. Yet in our darkest hour, can we find a ghost of a chance? Perhaps out of one tragedy a new hope can be born for the generations to come. Or maybe, the vicious cycle will continue. As one seeks justice for one situation, another chases them to do the very same. When does it end? Who is evil and who is good? Sure, there are some out there that are truly worst of the worst yet most of the time all we are doing is seeking Justice for the loved ones we have lost along the way. A new twist to our long growing set of cases has emerged. In the form of an unknown source. A flashing set of dots on a computer screen. A note delivered. A Last Will And Testament. Can we trust the words we are seeing? How many times has the words of Edgar Allen Poe been quoted? [i]Believe nothing of what you read and only half of what you see.[/i] How true those words are but what can we do? We must start something and perhaps just this once, the devil we don't know is better than the devil we do. Or maybe we should trust the devil we know just this once. Either way, it does not matter. Prometheus has arrived. [hr][center][h2][b][i][color=536d78]Characters[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [list][*][b][color=536d78][i][u]Vigilantes:[/u][/i][/color][/b][list][*] [color=d6ff00]Mali Anson[/color] - Chapter 1 [@Dragoknighte] [*] [color=#00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color] - Chapter 1 [@Morose] [*] [color=orangered]Caesar Gonzalez[/color] - Chapter 1 [@Sigil] [*] [color=cyan]Riley Ridgeway[/color] - Chapter 1 [@Nallore] [*] [color=b8860b]Johnathon Keystone[/color] - Chapter 2 [@Sigil] [*] [color=D4ADD5]Priya Khurana[/color] - Chapter 3 [@FantasyChic] [*] [color=#7E5C65]Robert Adler[/color] - Chapter 4 [@ONL] [/list] [*][b][color=536d78][i][u]NPC:[/u][/i][/color][/b][list][*] All NPC Are Now Listed In [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4851032]The NPC Grid[/url][/list] [*][b][color=536d78][i][u]Deceased:[/u][/i][/color][/b][list] [*][hider=Chapter 3][list][*] [url=https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/orderly-mopping-floor-hospital-6449188.jpg]1 Orderly[/url] - Killed by Jaina at Justice Asylum [*] [url=http://www.mens-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Guy-with-Blonde-Hair.jpg]Bartholomew Rosecliff[/url] - Killed By Fire Hydrant O.O [*] [url=http://www.spletnik.ru/img/2015/06/nastya/tumblr_ms0ebqxMFY1r9sql1o1_500.gif]Zatara Lyo[/url] - Poisoned? (Iniquis) [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d7/19/a0/d719a0eabcde88cb64ff3de3d4cc395f.jpg]Felix Hausten[/url] - Died in ICU [*] [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/5f22dbbac7b23cfd7e92b393aa9e9409/tumblr_o801n3VBh31vw0wkvo3_500.gif]Risa Couri[/url] - Killed By Zoie Crawford [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/95b72424cc2fe98899380126a0a0e1dc/tumblr_inline_nrw3ulylAy1t7e2i4_500.gif]Lucas Walsh[/url] - Killed By Zoie Crawford [*] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/expendables/images/8/85/Barney_Ross_3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140714221439]Barney Ross[/url] - Killed By A Clown [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/369c373ccd5492086fe09c131190330d/tumblr_o1l0wsNgEX1s5zf6fo1_500.gif]Iris Kingston[/url] - Killed By A Clown [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/be995af6e921adc7c93abe58e00c0514/tumblr_nzu1cc62Ye1ui3097o1_500.gif]Marc Tinder[/url] - Burned To Death In Barn? [*] [url=http://data.whicdn.com/images/70856850/original.gif]Natasha Brinne[/url] - Natural Causes? [/list][/hider] [*][hider=Chapter 2][list] [*] [url=stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/20150723/5232671/female-dj-o.gif]Ally Cranks[/url] - Killed In A Car Wreck (Cantus) [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/2c030e4cc8f06b93298d864d06d03785/tumblr_n1xu1zYNSi1qctvaco1_500.gif]Stephanie Gretchen[/url] - Killed By An Infection (Gaia) [*] [url=http://www.newnownext.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/8125797497_56ec68fca6_o.gif]Kelley Breeden[/url] - Killer Unknown - Informant For MSS [*] [url=https://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/lizzie1_zpscl4dvrcl.gif]Tuesday Ridgeway[/url] - Drive By Shooting Outside Club Afterdark [*] [url=https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/ab40bb181ffee4780eeaae97141d425337734e93/0_67_2000_1200/master/2000.jpg?width=300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=7110441ca9e227e2fe29667626cf001c]Ronnie Wentworth[/url] - Drive By Shooting Outside Club Afterdark [*] [url=https://lh4.ggpht.com/-6ztO_elC2TI/UgIzn_3ybeI/AAAAAAAADk0/wEaw1MS9S9s/s1600/Hit-Girls8_100kb-799x530.jpeg]Dragon[/url] - Drive By Shooting Outside Club Afterdark [*] [url=https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/02/13/article-1356579-0D2AA02F000005DC-355_634x432.jpg]14 Other Bystanders[/url] - Drive By Shooting Outside Club Afterdark [/list][/hider] [*][hider=Chapter 1][list][*] [url=https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-m-dVdCmJPx4/VSb17se_JxI/AAAAAAACKlE/gZUCjwxJ-q8/s1600/62.gif]Jeremy Bennet[/url] - Killed By The Cops [*] [url=http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/giphy-1421264880.gif?quality=.8&height=280&width=500]Alicia Gonzalez[/url] - Killed By Marc Tinder (Vesta) [*] [url=http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5900000/RE-Extinction-promo-s-claire-redfield-5972449-266-400.jpg]Lorna Dunn[/url] - Killed By Risa Couri [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/2fbd76bb8536f0cc0bd7addeba488aa3/tumblr_mze4opfymp1rpop88o1_250.gif]David Lawson[/url] - Killed by Lance Clemins (Assumed) [*] [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/Yf0isOHgAKVmU/giphy.gif]Lance Clemins[/url] - Killed By David Lawson [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/5d0bfcf95f5dbc4f6f96dde11bb7df6a/tumblr_nxpokeIyvS1uguhr1o2_500.png]Peyton Glencross[/url] - Killed By Cameron White [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/749cd5b3224f461663b6f11a569cd270/tumblr_n8jdpdExP91tetv2lo1_500.gif]Danica Graves[/url] - Killer Unknown [*] [url=https://i.imgur.com/g0pFFqG.jpg]Lyle Marlestone[/url] - Killed By Cameron White [*] [url=http://wormholeriders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/Eureka-S4x17-Wallace-Shawn-as-Dr-Huggins-likes-to-watch.jpg]Christopher Wallace[/url] - Killer Unknown [*] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/onetreehill/images/8/83/Chris_Keller_infobox.png/revision/latest?cb=20140423025317]Dr. Keller[/url] - Killed By Cameron White [*] [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/6cce545245aa00d45f792fc65f8a081b/tumblr_nbpn1vfzZz1qd8ysxo1_500.png]Cameron White[/url] - (Mr. March IV) Killed Himself [*] [url=https://pp.vk.me/c631525/v631525637/11625/XoLSJxOWlPc.jpg]Lyndsay White[/url] - Killed By Cameron White[/list][/hider] [/list][/list] [hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]The Case Files[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] So many crimes, so little time. Some get swept under the rug, others become a focal point. The thing is that while a case might be open or closed is not the main point. Each case opens anew path to the destination, even if you are not sure what that destination might be. Perhaps they are there just to provide a single clue that could come into play at a later date. Maybe not. The thing is you need to keep track and pay attention. While most Rps are just about Rping, this Rp is less about just typing away and reacting to a situation. It is about solving the mysteries. The large and the small. Why should you care other than just the fun of closing one of these? The rewards! Oh yes, there are wonderful magnificent [img]https://image.ibb.co/dKZw9K/rewardscropped.gif[/img] It could be a spoiler card, perhaps a free reroll of a blown skill, or even coveted get out of a LLA death! You never know. The more complicated the case, the more important, the grander it is to the overall plot of the RP, the bigger the reward! Below you will find all the case files throughout the RP thus far. Some are closed. Some are still open IC and being invesitgated by the [i]proper authorities.[/i] [center][b][i][color=536d78]The Justice Case Files[/color][/i][/b] All cases here happened within the vicinity of Justice, California since the beginning of this RP.[/center] [hider=Case Files] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 7354-DW-592[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Alicia Gonzalez/Lorna Dunn [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Detective Johnson [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Double Homicide [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Marc Tinder & Risa Couri[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3921-WM-492[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Risa Couri/Lucas Walsh [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Precinct 1 [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Double Homicide [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] MSS-QGJ-P1-H[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Computer Systems Of Queensguard Research Development [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Internal Investigation [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Hacking [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3472-GQ-111[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Bartholomew Rosecliff [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Deadlight District Precinct [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Act of God? [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Attributed to bad pipes[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 574468-US-24417[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Marc Tinder [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Special Agent Collins and Moreau [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Unknown - Treated as Arson/Homicide [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3921-WM-491[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Zatara Lyo [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Precinct 1 [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Treated As Homicide [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 7353-JQ-889[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Stephanie Gretchen [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] 23rd Precinct [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Assault -> Died From Infection [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 5461-LX-115[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] David Lawson/Lance Clemins [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Reclosed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Gregory & Khurana JPD - Special Agents Tinder & Collins FBI [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Murder/Self-Defense Manslaughter [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Killed each other.[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3545-FJ-657[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Randel Harding [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Deadlight District Precinct [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Murder [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Jaina Sarbye[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3545-FJ-657B[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Felix Hausten [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Deadlight District Precinct [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Assault W/Intent to Kill -> Murder [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Cynthia McMillian[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 4827-IB-861[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Peyton Glencross [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Gregory [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Murder [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Cameron White[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 6983-95-ICZ2F[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Cameron White/Lyndsay White/Dr. Keller [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Johnson [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Suicide/Murder/Murder [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Cameron White [/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 2030-FR-932[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Lyle Marlestone [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Gregory [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Murder [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Cameron White[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3634-ST-263[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Jeremy Bennett [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Gregory [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Accidental Homicide [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Police Department[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 3533-FW-577[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Ally Cranks [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Johnson [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Vehicular Death [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Assumed just a tragic accident[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 2811-RC-618[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Ronnie Wentworth/Chloe Ridgeway/Dragon/14 Other Bystanders [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Deadlight District Precinct [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Murder - Drive-by [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list][/hider] [center][b][i][color=536d78]The Grimm Case Files[/color][/i][/b] All cases here happened within the vicinity of Grimm, Indiana. Case Files could include cases from Murder High Reunion.[/center] [hider=Case Files] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 23-GM-17A-L[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] The Malony Files: (2006) Simone Carter - (2016) Atlas Sterling, Trent Lanier, Nesha Jackson, Zack Brighton, Jewell Price, Frenchie Darlington, Val Grey, Jacob Blackwell, Sanako Baim, Celia Johnson, Dexter Paul [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Grimm County Sheriffs Department [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Serial Murders [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Chris Malony[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 92-GM-18[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Chris Malony [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Closed [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Grimm County Sheriffs Department [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Murder - Self Defense [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Riley Ridgeway[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 105-GM-291[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Barney Ross/Iris Kingston [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Grimm County Sheriffs Department [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Double Homicide [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list][/hider] [center][b][i][color=536d78]The X-Files[/color][/i][/b] All cases here happened outside of our main locations but are some how tied to the two main locations.[/center] [hider=Case Files] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 0527-NB-325[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Natasha Brinne [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Cpt. Comfort [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Suspicious Death [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Assumed Natural Causes[/list] [i][color=536d78]Case Number:[/color][/i] 37-5111-KB[list][*] [color=536d78]Victim:[/color] Kelley Breeden [*] [color=536d78]Status:[/color] Open [*] [color=536d78]Assigned To:[/color] Det. Mathers Seattle PD [*] [color=536d78]Classification:[/color] Arsen/Murder [*] [color=536d78]Perpetrator:[/color] Unknown[/list][/hider] [hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]The World Under Grey Skies[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] It started in a single set of apartment buildings at a block party. Over the last three chapters it has grown into so much more. Because of this, maps are a most needed thing. Below you will find maps for the two major points of play currently in the rp. There are other cities in play or locations that characters have passed through but their significance is either minor or far to fleeting to be worth the time/effort/details of a custom map with markers. Maps are broken down into main areas of interest and specific points that have played apart in either Darker Than Black or Murder High Reunion. (These Rps are both heavily connected because of locations.) Throughout the Rp more is being added to them as events unfold. Maps are usually though only most heavily updated at the start of a new chapter. Not ever point is listed out even then though, so make sure to keep your own notes. [hider=Maps Of Justice] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=536d78][center]Maps Of Justice[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center]These maps are here to give Rpers the best possible idea of the layout of Justice. Some areas are broken down into other maps to give you specific locations that are crammed into a certain district, others stand alone. [/center] [hider=Overall Map Of Justice] [b][i][color=536d78]Key:[/color][/i][/b][list][*] [b][color=fff200]Boston Heights[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=11ff00]Diamond District[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=f700ff]The Airport[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=ffaa00]The Docks[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=ff3300]Media District[/color][/b][list][*] Channel 4[*] Channel 6[*] Independent News[/list] [*] [b][color=00ffff]Noelle's Neighborhood[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=349156]University Of Justice[/color][/b][list][*] The Library[/list] [*] [b][color=ffe169]Police Department: Station 54[/color][/b][list][*] Det. Gregory's Station[/list] [*] [b][color=c25175]Government District[/color][/b][list][*] The U.N. - Bombed[/list] [*] [b][color=6bff7f]County Coroners Office[/color][/b][list][*] Forensics - Under ground connection to sewers[*] Coroner[*] Potters Field[/list] [*] [b][color=ff0800]Russian District[/color][/b][list][*] Bazoli Cafe[/list] [*] [b][color=968ba6]Justice Memorial[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=3e48cc]Pacific Ocean[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=008100]Parks[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=cc33ff]Deadlight District[/color][/b][list][*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bb/73/40/bb7340590dd0d5345cd26330d471de2d.jpg]Imperial Apartments[/url][*] Club AfterDark[*] Justice Asylum[/list] [*] [b][color=663300]Chicago Heights[/color][/b][list][*] [url=https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xf-rU51542o/VAS27qUl0EI/AAAAAAAABy4/v6S8jscEb70/s1600/Merridian%2BApartments%2B3.jpg]Roy Gregory's Place[/url][/list] [*] [b][color=ed1c24]1:[/color][/b] Zoie's Farm - Burned Barn [*] [b][color=ed1c24]2:[/color][/b] Gun Range [/list] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3be23435-a74d-4a30-be04-d9f9332b528a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Boston Heights District] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Key:[/color][/i][/b][list][*] 1- [url=http://www.chimneyrepairny.com/new-york/bronx/images-bronx/brownstone-restorations-bronx.jpg]Boston Heights[/url][*] 2- Building Being Renovated [list][*]Crime Scene For Danica's [i]Murder/Suicide[/i][/list][*] 3- Police Station 54[list][*] Det. Gregory[/list][*] 4- McKenna Fountain[list][*] Inside McKenna Park[*] Murder Site Of Marlestone[/list][*] 5 - Ramirez HaHa Hacienda Bodega[*] 6 - Seraphim's Bakery[*] 7 - Best Chinese[*] 8 - Rock-N-California Roll[*] 9 - Juno's Greek[*] 10 - Site Of Mali's Alleyway Fight[*] 11 - Construction Area[*] 12 - Baraka Shawarma[*] 13 - Dr. Keller's Office - Triple Homicide Location[/list] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e6dfb333-d0a5-40f6-bf14-5c45a64ec4d8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Diamond District] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Key:[/color][/i][/b][list][*] 1 - Queens Guard Industries RnD Industrial Complex[list][*] Risa's Murder Site[*] Lucas's Murder Site[*] Zatara's Murder Site[/list][*] 2- Eugene's Custom Biker Boots[*] 3 - Diamond Day Spa [*] 4 - Crimson And Clover Jewler [*] 5 - Justice Diamond Hotel[/list] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fc01f5b7-b79c-43a0-9c87-32f81c3507d0.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=The Docks District] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Key:[/color][/i][/b][list][*] 1 - Lance Clemin's Warehouse[*] 2 - Parking For Piers 20-29[*] 3 - Pier #23[list][*] Gretchen Mortgage LLC Storage Unit[/list][*] 4 - The Rollar Derby[/list] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ea40d8e3-26e8-496a-9504-e4dfaf103e87.jpg[/img] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Maps Of Grimm] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=536d78][center]Maps Of Grimm[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center]These maps are here to give Rpers the best possible idea of the layout of Grimm. Now, please note that much of what is on these maps may not have been revealed in RP as of yet. So, as with all things in RP, if your character hasn't been personally been given the information they don't know it. Most markers are there for those that were part of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/124449-murder-high-reunion-concluded/ic]Murder High Reunion[/url] and already know what Grimm holds.[/center] [hider=Overall Map Of Grimm] [b][i][color=536d78]Key:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][b][color=ed1c24]1[/color][/b] - Grimm Hwy From I-65 [*] [color=6e671b][b]Abandoned Airfield[/b][/color][list][*][b][color=ed1c24]2[/color][/b] - Crash Site[*][b][color=ed1c24]3[/color][/b] - Air Strip[/list][*] [color=853d48][b]Grimm Asylum Campus[/b][/color][list][*][b][color=ed1c24]4[/color][/b] - Grimm Asylum Main Building[/list][*] [color=993b1c][b]Grimm School System[/b][/color][list][*][color=ed1c24][b]5[/b][/color] - Soccer Field[*][color=ed1c24][b]6[/b][/color] - Grimm High School Gym[/list] [*] [color=2eab1b][b]Government Square[/b][/color][list][*][color=ed1c24][b]7[/b][/color] - Court House[*][color=ed1c24][b]8[/b][/color] - Sheriff's Office/Jail[/list] [*][color=ed1c24][b]9[/b][/color] - The Grimaldi Manor [*][color=ed1c24][b]10[/b][/color] - Sporting Goods Store [*][color=ed1c24][b]11[/b][/color] - Russell's Tavern [*][color=ed1c24][b]12[/b][/color] - Tasty Treats Ice Cream Parlor [*][color=ed1c24][b]13[/b][/color] - Grimm Memorial Hospital [*] [color=2c6773][b]Marble Town[/b][/color][list][*][color=ed1c24][b]14[/b][/color] - Grimm Cemetery[*][color=ed1c24][b]15[/b][/color] - Fisher And Sons Funeral Home[/list][*][b][color=ed1c24]16[/color][/b] - Great Wolf Lodge [*][b][color=ed1c24]17[/color][/b] - Grimm Cable Station - Channel 6 [*][b][color=ed1c24]18[/color][/b] - Ramada Inn [*][b][color=ed1c24]19[/color][/b] - Grimm Lake [*] [color=82ff82][b]Grimm Park[/b][/color][list][*][b][color=ed1c24]20[/color][/b] - The Haunted House[/list] [/list] [img]https://image.ibb.co/fBtfjK/Grimm.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]The Code[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] Below you will find three different codes. One is your CS and has to be filled out and submitted to the Gm either via the OOC or PM. The second is your Relation Sheet and is for on going relations through out the RP to keep track of how things are progressing between the characters. Both of these will be updated and added to through out the RP. The third is the uniform header we use for the RP and must be used at the top of each of your posts. [center][b][i][color=536d78]Character Sheet[/color][/i][/b][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]*Do not use character face claims that are already in use - Check CS tab and all links in the Original OOC post to compare with NPCs to ensure you are not picking a FC that is already in use or has been. Make sure to read the code carefully for instruction as well as ALL the rules in the zeroth post in the OOC.[/color][/center] New comers to the RP at this point must consult the GM for a starting location. No character at this point may be born and raised in Grimm or Justice. You may NOT start a new character already in a relationship with another character, new or old. You may start an RP as knowing another character but it cannot be a romantic relationship or heading that way. [hider=Character Sheet Code] [code][hider] [hr.][hr.][h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Character Name[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]Character Image[/img][/center] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b](Full Name) [b][color=6ecff6]Aliases:[/color][/b](Nicknames, previous names, maiden names, etc.) [b][color=6ecff6]Age:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Birthday:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Birth Place:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Residence:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] Place N/A if character did not attend college [b][color=6ecff6]Occupation:[/color][/b] (Give us what you do for a living, job title, employer) [b][color=6ecff6]Languages:[/color][/b] Max 2 (either fluent or learning) - No More - Others must be earned in RP [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Height:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Weight:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Build:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Eyes:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Hair:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Their most common choice of clothing [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center]Positive Trait * Negative Trait * Positive Trait * Negative Trait * Positive Trait * Negative Trait[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=6ecff6]Sexuality:[/color][/b] (What is there born sexuality even if they may not realize it yet) [b][color=6ecff6]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b] Minimal 2 paragraphs that tells us how the characters mind works [b][color=6ecff6]Habits:[/color][/b] Minimal 2 [b][color=6ecff6]Hobbies:[/color][/b] At least 1 [b][color=6ecff6]Fears:[/color][/b] 3 real fears that make your character unhinged - must be tangible and NOT ideas - dogs, cats, birds, spiders, water, heights, etc. [list][*] [*] [*][/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Likes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Dislikes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]General World Skills:[/color][/b] Max 5 - History must reflect these knowledge's - These are things like Driving (car, bike, etc.), Negotiation, Computers, Electronics, Security Systems, City Knowledge, Mafia Hang Outs, Mechanics, Breaking and Entering, Disguise, History, Book Knowledge's, and so forth [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] Max 5 - History must reflect knowing these - Keep it grounded in the real world. Not everyone is a bad ass. This covers things such as Athletics, Diving, Demolitions, Stamina, Acrobatics, Weapons. Now each weapon type is broken down into the following; Edged Weapons, Clubs, Pole Arms/Staffs, Unarmed Combat, Martial Arts, Throwing Weapons, Projectile Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Rifles, Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Whips. (Make sure to specify for things like Martial Arts and Unarmed Combat - Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu are two different skills and would take up two skill slots. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; phone, credit cards, cash, pictures of mom and dad, tooth picks, smokes, lighter, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Residence:[/color][/b] This is your stash basically - all your items that are not on you at all times. General things need not be listed like a bed, microwave and so forth. Somethings are just a given. But things like Computers, Weapons stash, books, files on people,a comic book collection, special mementos, and so forth are something that need to be listed out and very detailed. Make sure to know that this will be updated through out the RP - Computers have to be scraped, bullets get used. Again, keep this grounded in reality. You won't have an arsenal! Bare bones to start folks. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] This spot is reserved for your transportation only and cannot be transferred if not used. This may be a bike, a skateboard, a car (nothing expensive), a motorcycle, a vespa, so forth [/list] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]What Brings You To The City:[/color][/b] Minimal 1 well developed paragraph [b][color=6ecff6]Life Before You Moved In:[/color][/b] Minimal 3 paragraphs about your characters life up until this point. [b][color=6ecff6]Life Since You Moved In:[/color][/b] Minimal 1 well developed paragraph [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Character Quote:[/color][/b] Something they say a lot or live by [b][color=6ecff6]Theme Song:[/color][/b] What would be playing when they walk up if we were in a movie? [b][color=6ecff6]Dirty Little Secret:[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]Anything Else:[/color][/b] (Read the rules and check for what you are supposed to put here before submitting) [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy.[/color][/sub][/hider] [/code][/hider] [b][i][color=536d78][center]Relation/Clue Sheet - Header[/center][/color][/i][/b] *If you solve the case - Submit your answer and how you came to it to the GM via PM!!! This is where you keep notes about the other characters or things you see happen in the RP to help you solve the case. Place these under your character sheets in the CS Tab - Just Edit it in - These must be done and updated through out the Rp. There will be deadlines made for updates from time to time and if they are not met it will result in the same as any other rule break - Removal from the RP. This is not required before you start a new character since you will not know any of the current PC's with GM and RPer approval first. Should you have one, then yes, you better get the relation sheet filled out. If you where here for Chapters 1, 2, or 3 - At this point you need to clean out all previous clue and relation sheets - replace it with the one below. Make sure that you have all PC's listed that your character has met listed out. Considering most of the PC's are dead, this shouldn't take long. [hider=Relation Code][code] [hider] [hr][hr] [h1][center][b][i][color=ed1c24]The Notebook[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h1][hr][h2][center][b][i][color=???]Character Name[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h2][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][center][i][color=???]"Character Quote"[/color][/i][/center][hr][hr][center]⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣[/center][hr][hr] [center][b][color=d6ff00]Mali Anson[/color][/b] [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr] [center][b][color=00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/b] [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr] [center][b][color=orangered]Caesar Gonzalez[/color][/b] [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr] [center][b][color=cyan]Riley Ridgeway[/color][/b] [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr] [center][b][color=b8860b]Jonathan Keystone[/color][/b] [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr] [center][b][color=D4ADD5]Priya Khurana[/color][/b] [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr] [center][b][color=ed1c24]Clues[/color][/b][/center] [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list][hr] [center][b][color=ed1c24]Points Of Interest[/color][/b][/center] [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list][hr][/hider][/code][/hider] Remember this is your uniform header code. Make sure it is used at the top of each of your posts and updated with each post. Skills must be changed out when being used. Location must be updated for each post. A non-updated header equals an incomplete post. (This means your counter is still running and you are risking getting removed from the RP.) [center][b][color=536d78]Header:[/color][/b][/center] *Headers must be used at the top of each IC post. [hider=Header Code][code][hr.][hr.][center][h1][b][i][color=personal character color code]Characters First and Last Name[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]Character Image Optional[/img][/center][hr.][hr.][center][b]Location:[/b] Current location in RP [b]Skills:[/b] Any skills currently being used that either need or have had rolls made for[/center][hr.][/code][/hider] [hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]Cases[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] To help the Rp flow better, we are instituting "Cases" - these are assignments where you utilize a collab between yourself and 1/2 other Rpers to make the RP flow more smoothly. Basically how this works is that you will be given a "Case" and be assigned, along with others, to complete said case. You will be given an assignment, a location, assets you need to acquire and/or missions to complete. [color=ed1c24][i]*Please note the case technique explained here is unrelated to the Case Files above. [/i][/color] [b][color=536d78]Example:[/color][/b] [b]Case Name:[/b] Canton [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Supply Run [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Hunting [b]Recruiting:[/b] Not currently [b]Group:[/b] Jack, Riley, Bryn [hider=Details] You are to take 1 vehicle from the Motor pool of Truck/Van/SUV model. Tank is full. You are allotted 3 gas cans full of fuel as back up. We are desperately low on Asthma medications for Ciel. This is your primary goal. Froggy has given you a list of medications he needs for both rescue and long term management of Ciels Asthma. The list also includes other medications we are low on that you need to be on the look out for. Guy has caught wind of the run and made his usual "We need ammo!" plea. So you need to be on the look out for that as well but Ash always stresses before you leave to stay on task and not to take additional risks. In other words don't stop by the prison when you are headed for local pediatric doctors offices. Tatiana knows you are heading out, of course she does because Jack's going. Dick is a problem as of late and his morale is at an all time low. She has recently come across Zoie's journal when going through boxes in storage and found out that Dick likes gambling. She asks you to keep a look out for a deck of cards and poker chips. Maybe it is something he can do, with others, to improve his mood as of late. James has put in that we are low on meat, so to be on the look out for Deer, birds, even squirrels at this point. People are getting really sick and tired rabbit. He tells you about the lake in Canton and arranges for you to take the flat boat with you as well as a trailer hitch to carry it. There is a fishing store near the lake you should be able to find rods at. Some fish would really improve the mood of the town. Good Luck! [/hider] Now you have your case. You will start a collab between all parties involved and the GM, me. I will conduct rolls as you need them or call for them and keep collabing until the job is done or you all are dead. You post it in IC when you get a ~post this~ from me or when you get done. Here is the kicker - you will be given a time limit to finish the run. 1 week, 1 month (real life time, not RP time) - and you are still held to the posting standards requirements so if you have a second character it is still on your main counter. Any questions, hit up me for answers. I will go over each case as it is posted and walk you through it as much as you personally need. [hr][h2][b][i][color=536d78][center]Tributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] For any that have participated in one of my Rps over the last three years, it is a known tidbit of information that I tend to use music a lot in my rps. All CS's are required to have a song fitting that character on it. I use songs in posts, to drop clues, and more. Some RP's even receive a tribute or two. All of them can be found either in [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/168815-lady-a-studios/ooc]Lady A Studios[/url] or [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtEfwHodkcbNzNrqbYOQlAz-YWoUdhXoe]Lady A RP Youtube[/url]. One particular one that encompassed the first two chapters of this RP can be found below. It was one hell of a ride. So all aboard! [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/98uHQPrPOAA[/youtube] Darker Than Black's Crazy Train Tribute - Ch 1 & 2[/center]