With a slight, nervous laugh, Nicholas shook his head, "You make it sound easier than it's going to be." When Mattie sat down, he turned back over onto his stomach, head facing her. For a few minutes, the two sat in silence. Nicholas listened to his own heartbeat as it steadily quickened. How much poison made it into his system? It couldn't have been enough to hurt or kill him, considering Jacob was rather calm about the whole thing. Who, then, had tried to poison him? Or Mattie? He could vaguely recall changing his and Mattie's position in the air so he'd be the one to hit the ground first -- had he subconsciously known? "We have a little less than an army," Nicholas joked. "We still need to recruit others. Right now, they're scattered throughout the city, and other surrounding cities. We don't know how far the mutants have traveled from the main lab. We just know...that they're around here, mostly." He looked at Mattie, slightly confused, "You mean to tell me you haven't come in contact with [i]any[/i] other mutants the [i]entire[/i] three years?"