[center][i][b]A History of The Rulers in Formaroth[/b][/i] [hr] [b]0 A.R - 1 A.R[/b] - [i]King Richard Remonnet[/i] ~ The first king of Formaroth and often referred to as Richard the Conqueror after he united Formaroth under one rule. Originally the Viscount of Nyhem, Richard Remonnet's ambition led him to conquer the surrounding area of Sypius. Once he had finally conquered Sypius his ambition grew as he continued to expand his land until finally, after fifty years, He had complete control of Formaroth. Considered one of the greatest monarchs of Formaroth. [b]1 A.R - 7 A.R[/b] - [i]Queen Cristine Remonnet[/i] ~ Eldest child of Richard. Her rule was mostly uneventful. Had a rather short rule due to her father’s long life. She briefly lost control of Raeldar during her reign but recaptured it with little trouble. [b]7 A.R - 52 A.R[/b] - [i]King Hamnet Remonnet[/i] ~ Eldest child of Cristine. He spent most of his rule easing relations with his vassals, due to many kingdoms still being unhappy with the Remonnet’s controlling their land. He invested a considerable amount of money into the port town of Cawaport turning it into the fourth city to inhabit Formaroth. [b]52 A.R - 59 A.R[/b] - [i]King Richard Remonnet II[/i] ~ Eldest child of Hamnet. Assassinated by the Elven Imperium before they invaded Formaroth. [b]59 A.R - 111 A.R[/b] - [i]Queen Ysabelle[/i] ~ Second child of Hamnet. Arose to the throne after the death of her brother. Ysabelle succeeded in repelling the Elven invaders and strengthening the Remonnet control on Formaroth. She is also known for outlawing slavery shortly after she defeating the elves. She is often referred to as Ysabelle the Savior. Considered one of the greatest monarchs of Formaroth. [b]111 A.R - 151 A.R[/b] - [i]King Foucher Remonnet[/i] ~ Nephew of Ysabelle. After Ysabelle passed away with no heirs her nephew Foucher rose to the throne. He spent most of his rule repairing the damage that the Elven Imperium caused in western Formaroth. Commonly known as Foucher the Builder. [b]151 A.R - 191 A.R[/b] - [i]Queen Ysabelle Remonnet II[/i] ~ Eldest child of Foucher. Barred trade with the Elven Imperium worsening relations between the two empires. Was the first ruler to establish the Imperial army. [b]191 A.R - 240 A.R[/b] - [i]King Hamnet Remonnet II[/i] ~ Eldest child of Ysabelle II, Hamnet was the first and only mage to be ruler of Formaroth. This was still in a time when mages were viewed as untrustworthy and unnatural (reinforced during the Elven invasion). His rule is meant with turmoil and uneasiness at first by both commoners and nobles alike. Spent most of his rule trying to improve the status of mages within Formaroth. Though he was successful in some kingdoms, he had next to no effect in others. He disappeared in the year 240 A.R. Known as Hamnet the Mage. [b]240 A.R - 267 A.R[/b] - [i]King Geffrey Remonnet[/i] ~ After his brother Hamnet II disappeared Geffrey took his place as King. He continued his brothers work and continued to improve the status of Mages in Formaroth (not being a mage himself he was more successful than Hamnet). In the year 251 A.R he created the Mages Circle on the Summer Isles so that mages could study magic safely and in peace. [b]267 A.R - 307 A.R[/b] - [i]Queen Elysabeth Remonnet[/i] ~ The eldest child of Geffrey, Elysabeth had a rather peaceful rule with her being more of a figure head than an actual ruler. She spent most of her time throwing parties and balls while the high council ruled Formaroth. She was recorded to have attended only three council meetings during her reign. Under her rule the Church of Klebrithy started to lose its power over the political system, something that would continue to decrease over time. [b]307 A.R - 359 A.R[/b] - [i]Queen Ysabelle III[/i] ~ The eldest child of Elysabeth, Ysabelle III had far more experience with ruling due to serving as the head adviser for her mother. She was the ruler who finally stopped the trade embargo with the Elven Imperium and began to mend relations between Formaroth and Beilokias. She was a grand diplomat and managed to stop the Kingdoms of the North from breaking away from the Imperial rule, preventing a civil war. Often known as Ysabelle the Peace-Maker, she is considered one of the greatest monarchs of Formaroth. [b]359 A.R - 379 A.R[/b] - [i]Queen Elysabeth Remonnet II[/i] ~ Eldest child of Ysabelle III, Elysabeth II had a mostly uneventful reign until the year 379 A.R in which she, and many other members of the Remonnet family were murdered by a collaboration of lords and ladies known as the Barons Court; a group of nobles who had grown in power since the reign of Queen Elysabeth I. They believed that with the power and influence they has gathered over the years they could overthrow the Remonnet's and take the throne for themselves. However, they underestimated the loyalty of the head houses and overestimated their own power. The traitors were soon trapped in their stronghold of Ironfold and were all killed by the imperial army during the siege. [b]379 A.R - 402[/b] - [i]King Adeland[/i] ~ Eldest child of Elysabeth II, Adeland was a master economist and ruler. Formaroth was at its richest during his time as king. Under his reign businesses thrived, food was in surplus, the crowns treasury was full, the imperial army was outfitted with the best arms and armor available and there was a massive grown in the middle class. King Adeland also established the Alchemists guild giving the men and women of science somewhere to work together with all the tools and equipment they needed. Often called Adeland the Wise, he is considered one of the greatest Monarchs of Formaroth. [b]402 A.R - 402 A.R[/b] - [i]King Richard Remonnet III[/i] ~ The Eldest child of Adeland, Richard III was an extremely obese man who died due to a heart attack one month after his coronation. Often known as Richard the Fat, Richard III is the shortest reigning monarch to rule Formaroth. [b]402 A.R - 450 A.R[/b] - [i]King Geffrey Remonnet II[/i] ~ The second eldest child of Adelard, Geffrey II took to the throne after his brother. Though he was popular with the Commoners due to his tax reforms and charity, he was unpopular with the nobles who now had to pay more money through taxes. The nobles soon sided with his eldest son Heylot and Geffrey gradually lost power through his reign. Commonly known as Geffrey the Kind. [b]450 A.R - 492 A.R[/b] - [i]King Heylot Remonnet[/i] ~ Eldest son of Geffrey II, Helyot is considered to be the worst monarch Formaroth has ever had. He was cruel, selfish, greedy and considered evil by most. During his reign people were given harsh punishments and often killed painfully for any transgression (including his own family). During his later life he was considered to be on the brink of insanity by those who were unfortunate enough to be close to him. His actions led to the Remonnet-Manshrew civil war in which many members of the Remonnet family lost their lives, including his own. He was finally killed by Andrew Manshrew during the battle for Uzgob. Often known as Helyot the Mad. [b]492 A.R - 503 A.R[/b] - [i]King John Remonnet[/i] ~ Second eldest to Geffrey II, King John was the last surviving member of the Remonnet family after the rest of the Remonnet’s were either killed by Heylot or during the civil war. King John spent most of his life repairing the damage his brother had done. He was a fair minded man who the nobles and commoners welcomed as their king. Unfortunately, he passed away under suspicious circumstances in the year 503 A.R making him the last of the Remonnet family. He is often known as John the last Remonnet. **[b]503 A.R - Present[/b] - [i]King Duncan De Reimer[/i] ~ The head advisor of John Remonnet, Duncan claimed the throne after John's abrupt death claiming that as head advisor the title of King passes to him. Though he has found much support in central Formaroth the north and south do not side with his claim and view him as untrustworthy and power hungry. Currently known as Duncan the Snake. **[b]503 A.R - Present[/b] - [i]King Andrew Manshrew[/i] ~ The head of house Manshrew and ruler of Uzgob Andrew Manshrew has claimed the throne of Formaroth for himself, claiming that the debt that the Remonnet’s owed House Manshrew should be upheld and that he simply will do what is right for Formaroth. Though he has found unwavering support in the North, the rest of Formaroth views him as a usurper and find his claim to the throne weak. Time will tell who will become the next ruler of Formaroth. **If the following phrase is at the end of a ruler's statement: Considered one of the greatest monarchs of Formaroth. There will be a statue of them found in the Plaza in Vine, the capital of Windmere.** [/center]