[@NuttsnBolts] I think it's because Cynder is a student, and sometimes teachers have an odd superpower of dumping homework and assignments on students at the same time other teachers did. Top that off with life and its jokes, usually we'd end up MIA from posting roleplay IC for a few days. Then one of them starts to imply you're [i]slow[/i] and things go downhill from there. For me, I feel pressured because usually 3 posts in, I just don't feel the zing for the roleplay but can't Spit It Out. Other times it's because they rushed me. I don't know why but when they rib me about posting in Spam/OOC Rant threads instead of replying them, I instantly feeL off. Like, turned off. Like finding out your crush isn't a Greek god(dess) after all kinda' off. [b]UPDATE:[/b] Forgot to mention I started in RPG by posting everyday, and then my parents started asking to hangout more about two weeks ago. I think I spoiled some of them into thinking I sit there all day just roleplaying when I'm really chilling here in between conversations and chores. :lol