Thalia stood behind the bar, watching everyone socializing around her. Sometimes people came to her to talk about their problems, almost as though she was a normal bartender. Only difference was the problems they talked about referred to the magical creatures among the humans. Most of the regulars knew what she was, and came to her for advice. Occasionally, she wished that she was normal, but no. She could never be a human, she loved the feeling of flight when her wings sprung out. She could never give that up. Knowing the time stream, that was something she could do without. That person over there, Damien, he needs to stay far away. She'll serve him, but no talking to him. She knew what happened to those who crossed paths with a succubus, and it wasn't a very pretty picture. There was a girl standing by a vampire, now that she was in, Thalia wasn't going to ask much for an ID. Her rule was that someone else had to buy the first drink, after that, they were fair game. We were all friends here, except for that stranger who had walked in not long after the girl. Thalia's nostrils flared up, he didn't smell like any of the other creatures in the room. He was different, and Thalia wondered how no one else in the room noticed him. If he came for a drink, she would be polite and serve him, he was a customer, and his money is probably good. If he tried to cause trouble, then she had every right to kick him out, so said the owner of the bar. Someone was asking for another Demon Hunter, the name always amused her, especially since there were probably actual demons in the room. She made the drink quickly, and walked over to hand the man his drink. The look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. Mentally, she tuned the man out, knowing that he was probably flirting with her in some drunken way. Thalia was used to it, it happened at least once every night. She looked up, and the stranger was walking up to the bar. He looked at the menu, and asked for some of the Klingon Bloodwine, and she kept wondering how these names for the menu items got approved. Whoever came up with it must really love their science fiction and anime. She made a mental note to check those genres out on TV when she got off of work. The menu item the stranger asked for was quick and easy to make, just some red wine spiked with amaretto and spiced rum. The man walked away and sat at a table in the corner of the room. She made yet another mental note to keep an eye on him.