[quote=@Pair of Hearts] [@NuttsnBolts] For me, I feel pressured because usually 3 posts in, I just don't feel the zing for the roleplay but can't Spit It Out. Other times it's because they rushed me. ... [b]UPDATE:[/b] Forgot to mention I started in RPG by posting everyday, and then my parents started asking to hangout more about two weeks ago. I think I spoiled some of them into thinking I sit there all day just roleplaying when I'm really chilling here in between conversations and chores. :lol [/quote] Tokyo Ghoul RP... never felt so neglected when the IC went up and there were so many posts that I felt as if I was pushed out of the RP by force for not keeping up... and I can post daily too! As for living on the internet.... yeah.......... >.> We won't discuss the USB port that's attatched to the side of my head. ;D