[color=brown][u][b]Name[/b][/u][/color] [color=brown]"Cole. That's all you need to know."[/color] [center][h2][color=brown]Cole[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/047/0/5215360/il_340x270.732119300_c94w.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Nineteen bro. Gonna be twenty soon. Bitchin'."[/color] [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Dude. Definitely a dude. Last I checked I still had my junk and I ain't got no honkers."[/color] [u][b]Affiliation[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Bombers man, deffo Bombers.[/color] [u][b]Years with Gang[/b][/u] [color=brown]"About...a year now. Yeah, deffo a year."[/color] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Yo, so, like, when I first asked to join up with the Bombers, they done asked me what sorta animal I liked. And, well, shit I thought, like 'damn son it weird to get asked that and you wanna join a gang'. But then the guy what was askin' me was wearing this really cool house cat mask. And, like, I have a thing for cats. I love 'em. Got one at home, this lil' black guy (eyyy), cute lil' thing like a lil ball of puff. Called 'im Poof. So I told the guy 'yo cool cat, I love 'em cats yo.' And the guy was like 'a'ight here we got this.' And I got this neato black cat mask, man. Don't know what sorta cat, but damn if it don't look [i]good[/i]. Okay, so, like, I ain't the biggest man. I'm, like, what's the word for it, um, lean? Is that it? Yeah, I'm like all bone, lil' bit muscley. Love to dance, so like I got them glutes and lats and whatever from all that. Got a few scars on my knuckles from a few scraps I got in. Other than that, nothin' else. I'm a nigga too, so that's...a thing. What I like to wear? Dude you for real? Well, um, I like wearin' shirts, mostly. Loose. Keep 'em loose, make 'em loose, y'know? And, like, baggy jeans and them sneakers. Jackets too. Those ol' high school jackets? Also them hooded jackets too. And I gotta have that [i]bling[/i], yo. Got myself this sweet gold chain tight round my neck. Dolla dolla bills yo!"[/color] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Aw shit, nigga, this like one them psych tests in school? Shit man, this fo' real. Well, um, shit what's a brother say man? I, um, I ain't the sorta person that, like, gon fuck you 'n leave you hangin', naw man. I's loyal. Y'all need a man, I'm a man. I'm your man. I ain't gon' leave 'nother man hangin', no sir. Ain't what my pop taught me. He told me if'n you do that to a man, he gon' hate your guts fo' the rest ya life. Gon' hunt you down 'n make you remember. Make you pay. No sir, I ain't like that. And I like t'be nice too. Y'know, in case y'all run into someone that needs someone. Y'know, like, yo' buddy sometimes they need someone t' talk to, y'know?"[/color] [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] [list][*]Agility and Speed - [color=brown]"Yo man, you need someone run up a fence fo' ya, or like do the hundred metre dash, I'm your man."[/color] [*]Street Smarts - [color=brown]"I've seen enough niggas get shot down on a street corner to see 'em comin' fo' they even start shootin'. I could probably tell you all the places that you can get yo' ride fixed fo' less than those stupid ass garages."[/color] [*]Stealth - [color=brown]"And I ain't sayin' this just cause I'm black."[/color][/list] [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] [list][*] Not Very Strong - [color=brown]"Yo dog I seen some jacked up niggas man, for real. They be like all fuckin' biceps and pecs and like they like a mountain and shit. Not me. I'm puny, dude. I'm like a stick, yo. Anything I eat, it don't stay. It just fucks off."[/color] [*]Noisy - [color=brown]"If you ain't gon' tell me to be quiet, I ain't gon' be quiet yo. Foo's gotta do somethin' to make 'em minutes go by, right? Y'all might do shit, I like ta' talk."[/color] [*]Poor - [color=brown]"Growin' up in the ghetto gon' do that to ya. Ain't got much money t'do shit."[/color] [*]Nigga - [color=brown]"Some people just don't like us niggas. I can't do nothin' 'bout it."[/color][/list] [u][b]Likes[/b][/u] [list][*]Food - [color=brown]"Aw man don't get me started. Man you find a good place to chow down, bring me to 'em. Gon' be their best customer and shit. Oh, and it ain't just 'bout the eatin' too. I love cookin' just as much as I like to eat man. Best pizza this side of the city, word."[/color] [*]Dancing - [color=brown]"Doesn't fit, don't it? I love eatin', ain't got nothin' better t' do than eat, but I also love dancin'. Man, music's in my [b]bones[/b]. And I ain't talkin' 'bout all that headbangin', rocky mountain metal and shit that Bombers we love listenin' to, naw. Y'all gotta get music that [i]jives[/i], man! I'm talkin' 'bout, y'know, that- that music that sings in ya, y'know? Makes you wanna move something. [b]Anything[/b]. I love that. Makes me feel [i]alive[/i]."[/color] [*]Cruisin' - [color=brown]"Yo man, who don't like cruisin', man?! They missin' out. Just put on some chill tunes, roll on up with yo' homies, go cruisin'. Ain't lookin' fo' nothin'. Just out for a drive. Feel the wind in yo' hair."[/color][/list] [u][b]Dislikes[/b][/u] [list][*]Spicy Food - [color=brown]"Nigga can't eat spicy food. I kid you not, can't stomach the stuff."[/color] [*]Dishonesty - [color=brown]"The only thing I dislike more than hot food is people lyin'. Like, yo man, we tryna help you, why you go about lyin' ya head off? Dude, man, I swear, if there's one thing a nigga hate, it's if his brothers gon' lie to 'em. Just ain't right."[/color] [*]Waiting - [color=brown]"Nigga. I hate waitin'. Like, c'mon man what's a dude gotta do t'get his burger faster?!"[/color][/list] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Naw man, nothin' yet. All I got is the gang, man. We tight. But, like, I ain't knowin' anyone deep yet, y'know.?"[/color] [u][b]Other[/b][/u] [color=brown]"Well, I got myself a nice, shiny aluminium baseball bat fo' my eighteenth. Told pop I was gonna play baseball with it. Oh, boy he thought wrong. And I ain't got no ride. No dough to get one."[/color] [u][b]Theme[/b][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIMgSVuW0y0]Volcano by Woodkid[/url]