Our Dream is meant to be a fairly collaborative RP about the lives of a small(ish) group of humans who find themselves in the same dreamscape every night. We will be following both the real and dream lives of our characters. For example if your character is an ad executive in the real world you would spend a little time talking about what he did at work as well as what fantastical things he does when unbound by the laws of reality. The focus will, of course, be on the magical night-world but I feel it will help the depth of the characters to explore how it is they grow and change in the waking world when exposed to the infinite possibility of the Dreamscape (going to treat it as a proper noun from now on.) At the moment I think we'll be posting in the same time frame, meaning that when one of the players is writing about the waking world we all will be, and the same goes for the Dreamscape. Obviously it will require a small amount of cooperation for this to be achieved and I am open to alternative ideas. You do not have to be the same person when you dream. If you are a cynical adult in the waking world you may be a sweet child in the dream, or a knight in shining armor or...you get the idea. This does not mean that you CANNOT be yourselves (in fact I imagine most people would start themselves and change over time.) It will be important when we begin for you to read the posts of others, as the Dreamscape will be shaped by the thoughts and desires (both intentional and not) of the people within it. While it will be blank when we first arrive, all changes will be permanent unless undone by another dreamer. The idea may seem a little low effort but I feel that with the right participants it can grow into something incredible. The entire theme of Our Dream is growth and change, as such it can become whatever it is we decide we want it to be. Characters will be accepted at any point but they will be dropped into a world shaped by the imaginations of the others and will very likely take some time to acclimate to the strangeness. Character Sheet/Bio/Whatever You Like to Call It: [b]Name[/b]: [What you are called. If your dream self changes you may feel free to add/subtract from your CS] [b]Age[/b]: [How many years you've been around] [b]Personality:[/b] [The basic shapes and colors of who you are.] [b]History[/b]: [What you've done up to the point you join the Dreamscape] [b]Likes[/b]: [Things that make you happy, give you strength and so on] [b]Dislikes[/b]: [This can include fears, pet peeves, foods you find disgusting etc.] [b]Appearance[/b]: [What you look like. I will accept photos, textual description or both.] [b]Dream Appearance[/b]: [Will probably start "N/A" but I won't hold it against you if you feel your character would immediately take a different form than their own] I think that's about it. We can define other aspects as we move forward as this is just a bit of a fun idea I wanted to get going quickly. If there's anything you feel I missed go ahead and let me know here or via PM if you'd prefer.