[hider=The Guild Broker] Title/Name: Guildmaster Xenth Gender/Sex: Male Appearance: [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/6db1/i/2013/008/d/9/anthro_black_widow_by_danwolf15-d5quzbr.jpg[/img] Leadership Strength: Deceptively clever, holds control through knowledge and charisma [/hider] [hider=South Arachnos Trade Guild] Name of Faction: South Arachnos Trade Guild Species: Spiders, with varied "Hired Hands" Hierarchy: Solely dependent on success within the guild. Any member species can rise to the senior most Master of their species and represent them on the Council. Species not currently members can join as well, but until enough are present to be formally recognized, like the Assassin Bugs, they have no place on the Council, but are kept in consideration. Height: Varies Population: Approximately 65,000 5,000 Black Widows 10,000 Assassin Bugs 10,000 Brown Widows 20,000 Wolf Spiders 20,000 Brown Recluse Culture, Plans: Economic Sustenance and Success - Unlike many present in the Summer Home, the Guild is not overly concerned with dominating the entire area, conquering, war mongering, or slaving. Rather, it deals in the trade of resources and goods, and as long as the trade is good, then everything is going according to plan. Culturally, it is a classical Guild, with apprentices learning under journeyman while they work to prove themselves worthy of being one of the Guild Masters. As such, there is no true centralized governing body outside the Guild Council, which comprises of the most successful of each member species, with the Black Widows, the founding species of the Guild, holding the Broker seat traditionally. Military Strength: Officially 4,000 500 Black Widows 1,000 Assassin Bugs 1,000 Brown Widows 1,500 Wolf Spiders 1,000 Brown Recluses Typical Soldier Appearance: Typically going unarmored, each Spider under arms usually carries four to six glass blades, relying on the speed and deadly dervish of six blades dexterously wielded, while each spider soldier is more than capable, and willing, to employ their toxic bites against anything that they find themselves fighting against. Special note goes to the Assassin Bugs, retained as a member under arms and exclusively loyal to the Guild, they often take contracts outside the Guild for other Factions, but none have ever turned on the Guild itself. The most successful Assassin Bug is retained on the Council as adviser and de facto war councilor. Q: Q9 Imports: Anything with potential trade value Exports: Specifically Glass Weapons, assassins, spider silk luxury products, anything else with trade value [/hider]