[color=red][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/565a05f9977f378406ebbe0d0ed36c39/tumblr_inline_ms7ydtS9Qk1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [h1]Captain James Hook[/h1] [h3] The Moors ~ Fairy Tale World[/h3][/center] The waves of the ocean crashed against the ship’s hull, rocking it back and forth in motion with the waves. One of the most fearsome crew of pirates to ever set sail was bustling about on the main deck, preparing to moor the ship. A high pitch whistle was heard by the crew, then a voice called out; “Drop the anchor and secure the sails! We’ve reached the moors lads!” The short and pudgy pirate who had called out the commands scurried across the deck and into the captain’s quarters while the crew brought the ship to a halt. “We’re ready to get you ashore cap’n and retrieve your belonging.” The plump pirate said as he started to get the captains things in order. He reached into the captain’s wardrobe and pulled out a red frock coat, decorated with gold buttons. The captain stood out of a throne he had acquired while on one of his many adventures and held out his arms for his coat. His first mate helped the captain with his coat and buttoned it up, giving it a light brushing to make sure everything looked just right. “We want you to look good for the queen.” But his brushing was cut short when the captains blue eyes, like that of the blue forget-me-nots, met with his own. If looks could kill, many a man would be dead by the captains icy cold gaze. The captain’s first mate gave a nervous gulp and then stepped back. “Well best finish getting you ready.” he said as he scurried off to get the rest of the captain’s belongings. He picked up a dual, golden, cigar holder and placed two cigars in each slot then handed it to the captain. Once the captain was presentable his first mate opened the cabin door and shouted for all to hear. “Captain on board! Make way for Captain Hook!” Out from the cabin Captain Hooks footsteps resounded across the ship as silence washed over the crew. But the silence was broken as soon as Captain Hook stepped out of his quarters and appeared to his men. They all cheered for their beloved captain, the most feared man to ever sail the seven seas! A chant of his name, Hook, had broke out among the crowd as he stepped out and brandished the iron hook that was at the end of his arm in place of his hand. One of the pirates aboard the ship had one too many drinks, Skylights they called him. As hook passed by, Skylights lurches clumsily against him, ruffling his lace collar. Without pausing for even a moment, the captain held out his iron hook and ran it across the clumsy pirates chest as he walked by. The sound of flesh and shirt being torn was heard as well as the screech of a dying man. The other pirates kick the body to the side and continue admiring their captain. In all of this not once did Hook remove the cigars from his mouth, but just casually strolled on. His first mate, Smee, was not far behind cleaning the blood off his hook and straightening his collar as he walked to the dinghy they would take ashore. For most men a calm demeanor was not something to be feared; but when it came to Hook, he was never more sinister than when he was polite. He stepped into the dinghy, followed by Smee, and a few of his other crew members who would row the boat ashore. He remained standing while they rowed to shore, and stepped out onto the beach as soon as the boat stopped. “Cap’n, should we come with you should things get nasty in there?” Smee asked as he stepped out of the boat. “No Smee, wait here for my return.” Hook said without even turning to face his first mate. In front of him stood the castle of Maleficent, the Dark Queen. He made his way up to the castle doors. The closer he got to the doors the more annoyed he got at his current situation, if it wasn’t his hat it was something else he would have to waste time to come back and retrieve. His stride never once ceased, even as he threw open the doors to the Dark Queen’s throne room. His sights were focused on Maleficent, and the extravagant hat that sat upon her head. Though he had tunnel vision for his hat, he saw that Jafar was in the room as well but chose to pay him no mind whatsoever. “Maleficent you foul witch, I haven’t the time for your silly games. Every minute I spend here is one minute less I spend finding Pan! Now may I please have my hat back.” Hook said sternly, holding his hand out to the Dark Queen waiting for his hat.[/color]