[hider=Isle Eternia] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Eternia (also known as the "Nestcity") [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] [b][i]Micefolk[/i][/b] - Humanoid mice who have longed live in the Island Counter and are famed for their engineering, crafting and scavaging prowess. They lay claim to once having full control over the entire house in ages past with many other Havens dotting the landscape, but atlas, such a time is long gone and they have been left alone and isolated on their island. They live for 15-20 years. Height: 3/4 in to 1 1/4 in [i][b]Ratfolk[/b][/i] - Close to Micefolk, but more aggressive and larger. They primarily serve as soldiers and guards for the smaller Micefolk. Not actually native to the House, the Ratfolk were actually wild nomads from the outside many generations ago. It was their leader who had decided that they would help the fledging Micefolk and have stuck around ever since. Like their mice cousin, they live for about 15-20 years but are more on either ends of the spectrum. Height: 1 in to 1 1/2 in [b][i]Rat Beasts[/i][/b] - Also referred to as "Feral Great Beasts", Rat Beasts are the "true" rats and mice which tower over rodentfolk and are vicious and strong. They are dangerous no doubt, but they are still hunted like [i]really[/i] big game hunting, often using forks as "Beast Spears" to kill them. While taming them in neigh impossible, Eternia has found ways of capturing them and keeping them in somewhat safe cages, releasing them upon invaders who threaten them. They are not counted as part of Eternia's population. Height: 3-5 in [b][u]Population:[/u][/b] Micefolk - 49,000 Ratfolk - 31,000 [b][u]Culture/Plans:[/u][/b] Success | Defense | Progress Dwarven - Being one of the oldest races and factions in the House, Eternia is dedicated to make sure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated and those that are can be quickly fixed. They don't concern themselves with outward expansion, if anything, they're isolationists, much preferring to stay in the walls of their nest city and expand in ward and through the walls. There's also a constant drive to do better and to advance within Eternian society, a racial ambition which is the reason behind all of the forges, elevators and machinery in Eternia. The rodents of Eternia hope to one day be able to send out a colonial mission to somewhere else in an effort to spread their influence and power, possibly even beyond the confines of the house. However, such a dream still has a long way to go before fruition. [b][u]Military Strength:[/u][/b] Micefolk - 13,000 Ratfolk - 29,000 [b][u]Soldier Appearance:[/u][/b] Both micefolk and ratfolk wear medium or heavy armor into battle, usually just a chest piece of sorts and a helmet made of old silverware with woven wire mesh mail also being a popular choice. Shields made of coins are commonly seen along with needles, fishing hooks, fork prongs, and metal-covered q-tip maces. In terms of ranged support, the Eternia utilizes bows and crossbows made of toothpicks as well as great amounts of artillery in the form of deadly catapults and accurate ballistas. The Haven also uses poisons in the forms of chemicals found under the sink and are able to cover swathes of land in dizzying, nausea-inducing, poisonous build. When mixed with their use of fire, the Eternians can literally set the ground on fire, a likely explanation of the no man's land which the barren floor around them has become that has seen many a battles and defenses. Given the nature of their homes, the mice-and-ratfolk of Haven Eternia are excellent tunnel fighters and close quarters combat. Wild, "Rat Beasts" are also routinely used as traps in the narrow corridors and tunnels of tunnel fighting, resulting in a devastating weapon capable of killing entire units of troops. [b][u]Territory:[/u][/b] Q2 [b][u]Imports:[/u][/b] Foodstuffs, Crafting & Construction materials [b][u]Exports:[/u][/b] Finished Goods [/hider] [hider=Leader CS] Title/Name: Nest King Greyhide Gender/Sex: Male Appearance: [WIP] Leadership Strength: Strong, well respected within his hold. [/hider] [hider=Minor Characters] Name/Title: Lord Commander Skritz Species: Ratfolk Position: Leader of the Eternal Guard, the Eternian army. Gender/Sex: Male Stance: Loyal and stalwart, he's exceptional at defensive tactics. Name/Title: Grand Architect Redvood Species: Micefolk Position: Top ranking engineer and archeit; responsible for many of the epic creations within Eternia Gender/Sex: Male Stance: Brilliant and creative, his mind is unmatched within Eternia [/hider] [hider=Supplementary Pictures to help visualize] Some technology of the Nestcity [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lu3HMRlqIMY/UumG7qkr5SI/AAAAAAAABIM/HQT9DHj2wbQ/s1600/Mouse+Guard+-+Sprucetuck.jpg[/img] Common jobs for rodentfolk [img]http://urbanafreelibrary.org/sites/default/files/images/blogs/2016/02/scan@urbanafreelibrary.info_20160226_141333-page-001.jpg[/img] Examples of dress; (from left to right) soldier, common woman, noble man [img]http://chrysaliswiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/encyclopedia:burmecian/burmecian_ff9.jpg[/img] [/hider]