[b] “Lunairans in the hideout! Everybody, arm yourselves and get ready to fight.”[/b] At those words, Cassie stood up straight, wide eyed at the prospect that the Lunarians may have finally found them out. If they had, then what were the chances of surviving this? How many Lunarians were there? And did more Lunairans besides the ones that were here know about them? Would more Lunairans be sent to take them out if these failed? All of it was a scary prospect for her to think about. Of course, her husband probably had it a lot harder than her. After all, these were his people that he would be forced to fight against. If he didn't fight then people would surely get suspicious and try to blame him again for the fact that these aliens had found their hiding place. She looked to Serix wide eyed. She wouldn't blame him if he refused to fight his people. If it had just been them two she would have said she would do all the fighting so that he wouldn't have to if it saved him that trauma. But they both knew here, where everyone had reasons to be suspicious of him, people wouldn't be so understanding if he didn't fight. Yet, it was still surprising when that look of determination came to his face, him asking Sarah to show them the weapons. She had a slightly concerned look on her face for him, but it seemed like he had made his mind up. If anything, she could talk to and comfort him afterwards. Right now they didn't have any time to talk or even think about anything. Soon, Sarah was leading the two of them quickly through the halls of the caved, down in the storage area, where they got to the room that the weapons were stored in. Most of them were guns, but there were also knives and such as well. Sarah herself grabbed, to Cassie's surprise, a [url=http://www.truthrevolt.org/sites/default/files/styles/content_full_width/public/field/image/articles/gun1.jpg?itok=W_9-i9lK]pink handgun[/url] and a [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51rcq7KHJfL._SY355_.jpg]pink knive[/url]. Had this been any other situation, she probably would have teased the girl for her choice in weapon, considering Sarah was not at all the type to like anything pink, but she could do that later. For now there was a task at hand and they had to get out there as fast as they could. She picked up a pistol and nodded to herself as she checked to see if it was loaded. Once she was sure it was, she looked to Serix and after seeing he was all ready to go as well, pressed a quick yet meaningful kiss to his lips, "I love you." With that, the three were rushing back out toward where the others were already fighting, wondering just what might come from all that was happening now.