[@aphelion] I know, right?!? Wasn't even planning on doing a big history - the point is that he's just starting off on his adventure and I've gone and given him bible history. Sometimes I'm not as good at being concise and I waffle, I try my best to keep it all relevant but would definately describe myself as an amateur writer. I know you weren't having a go - just thought I'd explain myself a little :) With regards to the Muk pick I like to do what I describe as troll-RPing (not as bad as it sounds!) where I specifically make my character one of the weakest, more times than not with the complete intention of having them killed. As difficult and morbid as it is sometimes I believe no good story is complete without somebody biting the bullet. I'm actually having to google some of your guy's Pokemon, I start losing track of which pokemons's which after like generation 2 :(