[center][h2]United Aleani Republic[/h2][/center] [hider=United Aleani Republic] Species: Horned Lizards All Aleani except Kamado, whose bite is poisonous, are capable of squirting blood from thier eyes, which smell and taste foul to other races. Zanzin: -Miniaturized lizards who have evolved to live in thier new environment. They come in a plethora of colors and use thier horns as weapons in most cases. Both male and female are thrust into battle, but many females are set aside for mating. They are your normal humanoid horned lizards. (The bed) Height: 2 inch Drakon -As was said before, these lizards are the product of adaption and evolution. Since they were unable to climb (the TV stand), over the years, future generations gained the ability of flight, becoming little mini dragons. Height: 1 1/2 inches Kamado: -Kamado have evolved to live in the confines of the couch. They have the ability to see in the dark, are born scavengers, and have the ability to borrow and dig. Height: 2 inch Altir: -These are lizards from every tribe who have been stripped of thier name from birth and are given jobs based on thier skill sets, mostly builders, mates, etc. This also contains small unevolved lizards who are used as battle steeds. Height: Various Slaves: -This is a mixture of all kinds of creatures, they are typically used for battle, giant flies as steeds and what not. Height: Varies Population: Approximately 32,000 Zanzin 22,000 Drakon 20, 000 Kamado 14,000 Altir 8,000 Other (Slaves) Culture/Plans: The Aleani are savage and industrious warriors. They were one of the first to colonize colonize the house, taking over Q10 through the Glass Gateway (window). After colonizing the room, the population split up, some living on the TV as the Cimex Tribe. The Angel Tribe living on the bed and headrest, and the Demer tribe living in the couch. They wared constantly, thier socialist views to do what is best for the whole pushing them to do so. Eventually, one Zanzin rose up from the Angel tribe and united all the tribes, helping all realize that all Aleani must unite under there natural socialist views. Aleani are ruthless, showing no mercy, but aren't to cruel. They are capable of showing compassion when is proves to be in the interest of the whole. Battle Tactics/Landscape: The Aleani are devious and cunning warriors specializing in guerrilla warfare, both in the air, an om the ground. Bombarding the enemy with fly carried battery bombs and well timed sneak attacks with blood squrrting can weaken an army enough for the main force to sweep up easily. The main Aleani city of Al'tran resides within the mattress. It its a huge [url=http://img15.deviantart.net/f71b/i/2015/181/d/6/hanging_city_by_tchukart-d8zd69s.jpg]hanging city[/url], held up by thick wires a attached to the springs and platforms upon which the Aleani live. Another city is located under the bead protected by the white jungle (the rug). Nore citys dot the landscape. Military Strength: 41,000 13,000 Drakon 10,000 Kamado 15,000 Zanzin 3,000 Slaves Typical Soldier Appearance: Zanzin/Kamado [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/fa0c/i/2014/035/c/f/lizard_warriors_concepts___drawing_by_brollonks-d7528do.jpg[/img] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/b2a0/i/2015/280/0/6/oryctomus_armour_by_tchukart-d9c9opx.jpg[/img] Drakon [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/be8d/th/pre/f/2013/224/c/1/the_flying_lizardpeople_drawing_by_brollonks-d6htoia.jpg[/img] Altir [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/e372/i/2015/280/8/e/oryctomus_damage_by_tchukart-d9c9p87.jpg[/img] Q: Q10 Imports: Anything Exports: Textile, Glass, Wood, Ballistics, Coins [/hider] [hider=Leader] Title/Name: Preeminence Len Descendent of the Zanzin who united them. Gender/Sex: Male Appearance: [img] https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-cITrEJhI3CE/U0B1fwokn-I/AAAAAAAAYIA/-hBbWbp21IE/w1600-h1337/lizard_sketch.jpg[/img] Leadership Strength: Unwavering, he was chosen because all it would benefit the whole, they stand by the choice. [/hider] [hider=Other Leaders] Name/Title: Beta Shen Species: Drakon Position: Second in command, Air Corps. Gender/Sex: Female Stance: Cunning, savage, tactician. An aerial Demon. Name/Title: Tresais Al'Tran Species: Kamado Position: Third in command, Infantry/Guard Gender/Sex: Female Stanec: Quiet, Firm, ruthless, tactician. Name Title: Delta Sheiom Species: Zanzin Position: Fourth in command, leader of commerce. Gender/Sex: Female Stance: Intelligent, ambitious, cunning, Name/Title: Epsilon Grar Species: Drakom Position: Fifth in command, leader of Altir and slaves. Gender/Sex: Male Stance: Hard, Kind, resourceful. [/hider]