[hider=Thalassian Migrants] [u][i][b]Name of Faction:[/b][/i][/u] Thalassian Migrants [u][i][b]Species:[/b][/i][/u] Varieties of humanoid, amphibious, ocean-based creatures. [u][i][b]Population:[/b][/i][/u] [b]Carlachii:[/b] 10,000 [b]Ithscies:[/b] 15,000 [b]Brachycea:[/b] 5,000 [b]Total:[/b] 30,000 [u][i][b]Culture/Plans:[/b][/i][/u] A rigid caste system keeps the Migrants in order, giving each member a specific purpose that drives the entire community forward. A ruling council made up of each of the three races meets regularly to discuss matters, though they tend to disagree often. They believe in equality and freedom, but are incredibly isolationistic. They care little for any other races, focusing on their own survival and wellbeing above all else. Their main goal is to establish a safe haven for their peoples, as the open sea was far too brutal a place for the tiny creatures. Their young could not survive, and their numbers were dwindling. They made the very long and dangerous exodus from their previous homes within the shallower waters of the ocean across the vast beach. Exhausted, they eventually found the Beach House. Here, they will make a new home for their kind to grow and thrive without fear. [u][i][b]Military Strength:[/b][/i][/u] 10,000 Warriors, plus beasts of war, and field engineers from the Labor Caste. [u][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/u] [b]Warrior Caste, Carlachii:[/b] Humanoid sharks that are burly and muscular, with thick corded arms ending in clawed hands, squat legs, a dorsal fin on their back and a shark-like tail. Their heads resemble that of a variety of sharks, with completely black eyes and a mouth full of vicious teeth. They range in color from sandy browns, tiger striped, black, a dull brownish red, and the classic grey and white. They are both male and female, with males being bulkier and the females sleeker but equally as muscular. Typically wear whatever bits armor they can craft. This usually is a mixture of sea shells, metal bits, bones, and pieces of leather or cloth to tie it all together. They excel in warfare and strategy. [i]Height:[/i] 2 inches tall [b]Diplomat and Merchant Caste, Icthscies:[/b] Numerous types of humanoid looking tropical fish. Brightly colored, with large eyes and webbed feet and hands. They are both male and female, with the males being shorter and wider, with females more slender but tall. Typically dress in multicolored cloth wrapped around their scaly bodies. Very adept at communication and trade. [i]Height:[/i] Range from 1/2-1 inch on average. [b]Labor Caste, Brachycea:[/b] The crustaceans of the Migrants. As tall as Warriors, but equally as broad, making them the largest race. A mixture of crab like humanoids, with a chitinous torso rising up from four spiny legs. They have four arms as well, their upper arms large and ending in crab like claws, with smaller lower limbs on their abdomen with more dexterous hands. Their faces are crab-like, with black orbs for eyes and clicking mandibles. They, like the other two races, have both genders, but it is impossible to tell the difference between them. They sometimes supplement the Warrior Caste as engineers, and due to their natural armor and great strength can hold their own if they are attacked. They don’t wear much in the way of armor or clothing, save for pouches and belts for holding their tools. They are masters of construction, invention, and engineering. [i]Height:[/i] Average 2 inches [b]Beasts and Mounts:[/b] Aside from the sentient races of the Migrants, they have a variety of non-sentient creatures for use as beasts of burden and warfare. Large crabs and lobsters are used as both transportation, heavy lifting, and living war-machines. The Warrior caste also uses a race of smaller, quadruped creatures, known collectively as Sphyarra. They resemble predatory fish with large mouths filled with teeth, sleek scaly bodies, and large eyes. The greater breeds of these creatures serve as mounts for the Warrior caste, while the smaller breeds act much like the common dog. Some keep them as pets or guards, while the Warrior caste trains them to assist in battle. [i]Size:[/i] Same as normal crabs and lobsters. Sphyarra range in size from the equivalent of a horse to a small dog in relation to the other races. [u][i][b]Q:[/b][/i][/u] Q8 [u][i][b]Imports:[/b][/i][/u] Building materials, metal, various types of food and luxury goods. [u][i][b]Exports:[/b][/i][/u] Water, dyes, driftwood, sea glass, sea shells, fish bones, shark’s teeth, and anything that may seem rare and exotic from the beach and the ocean. [hider=The Council] [hider=General Gnash] [u][i][b]Title/Name:[/b][/i][/u] General Gnash [u][i][b]Gender/Sex:[/b][/i][/u] Male [u][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/u] More muscular and broad than any other Carlachii, Gnash resembles a humanoid Great White shark. His snout is heavily scarred, a long slash across one of his black eyes from a particularly violent feral crab. His mouth is filled with serrated, vicious looking teeth, and his thick fingers end in brutal looking claws. His dorsal fin is notched from battle, and he wears a fine set of patchwork seashell and metal armor that covers his muscular body. His weapons of choice are two pointed shark teeth lashed to his forearms, as well as a sword made of a razor blade and filed into teeth like points. [u][i][b]Leadership Strength:[/b][/i][/u] Complete and total commander of the Migrant military. He is ruthless and more aggressive than the other Council members, believing that in order to secure their borders and build a new home they must eradicate any threats. He is tactically a genius, and he is well respected despite his brutal demeanor since it was due to his Warriors strength of arms that the Migrants survived the Exodus. [/hider] [hider=Mother Flotta] [u][i][b]Title/Name[/b][/i][/u]: Mother Flotta [u][i][b]Gender/Sex:[/b][/i][/u] Female [u][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/u] A diminutive humanoid fish with scales and coloring like that of the brightly colored Mandarinfish. Her once beautiful coloration has dimmed with her great age, and she shuffles along hunched over with a cane made of carved driftwood and topped with a piece of green sea-glass. She wears plain cloth wrapped around her like a robe, the color contrasting sharply with the color of her scales. [u][i][b]Leadership Strength:[/b][/i][/u] Despite her great age, Mother Flotta is still very quick of wit and bright. She speaks very eloquently, if somewhat slowly and softly. She favors peaceful actions and working in cooperation with the three races of the Migrants, as well as extending courtesy to the other races of the house. Her words are highly respected by many, even General Gnash, as she has been around for longer than any Migrant can remember. She organized all of the peoples in their great Exodus, and singlehandedly gathered enough supplies for the journey. Due to her forethought and planning, the Migrants were able to make the long trek from the ocean without starving to death and succumbing to the elements. [/hider] [hider=Foreman Shorr] [u][i][b]Title/Name:[/b][/i][/u] Foreman Shorr [u][i][b]Gender/Sex:[/b][/i][/u] Male [u][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/u] Like any Brachycea, Shorr is a massive creature compared to the other two races. While Gnash matches him in height, and is close in build, Shorr still is just as wide as he is tall. His right claw is larger than his left like that of a fiddler crab, and his body is a mottled black and dark blue coloration. His hard shell-skin is covered in small spines and bumps, and his four legs end in sharp points. He wears a large bag on his broad back made of fine fishnet, filled with a variety of construction tools. Primitive rulers, hammers, files, and rolls of dried seaweed with scribbled notes on it. [u][i][b]Leadership Strength:[/b][/i][/u] Calm, pragmatic, and thoughtful, Shorr is the least outspoken of the three Council members. He sits quietly while Gnash rages, Flotta reasons, and carefully thinks through all courses of action before he speaks his mind. He is a brilliant engineer, responsible for building the howdahs atop the large non-sentient crabs and lobsters that carried the Migrants during the Exodus. He and his race also saved the Migrants from total extinction many times by quickly and efficiently burrowing into the sand, creating a subterranean cavern for the Migrants to hide and recover during the hostile daylight hours on the beach. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]