[hr][hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmU2Y2I4NC5USFZyWVhNZ1NtRmphM052YmcsLC4w/bugghet.regular.png[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/e5a21dd75b1cf31c8e6d250cee39addb/tumblr_inline_mmylh8xZhR1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Arriving, the beach [b]Interacting with:[/b] [s]Patatino[/s] Brendan, Wadsworth[/centre][hr][hr] [b]"And we got to see the red panda too, did you know one of them was named Leon?— And—"[/b] [color=wheat][b]"[i]Patatino[/i],"[/b][/color] Luka's voice slowly cut his excitable son's off, [color=wheat][b]"I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to the zoo with nonna, but you never answered my question. Were you a good boy for nonna?"[/b][/color] [b]"Papaaaaaaaa"[/b] The child complained from the other side, [b]"I'm always good! Nonna even let me have ice cream because I did not feed the animals!"[/b] ...Brendan wasn't supposed to do that [i]anyway[/i], but Lukas was glad his son was having a good time with his grandmother. [b][color=wheat]"That's my patatino,"[/color][/b] The father cooed down the phone anyway, chuckling as Brendan giggled from the other side. [color=wheat][b]"Okay, Brendan? I have to go now. Don't trouble your nonna, okay?"[/b][/color] But instead of getting a normal goodbye, his son completely shocked him. [b]"Are you looking for mama?"[/b] His heart raced. What could he say? Lukas didn't apply to take part in this speed dating business, it was his mother's fault instead. But yet here he was, on the boat towards the quickly approaching dock where he could meet people and possibly even find that special [i]someone[/i]. How could he explain to his son that there was a slight chance that he could find someone he truly liked again on this trip, someone that could fill the obvious void in both their hearts? ...He couldn't. Lukas instead avoided the question, clearing his throat before saying goodbye to Brendan once again and hanging up. No doubt his son would ask the same thing later, but at least by then he'd have some sort of answer. He would be prepared next time. The boat stopped at the dock, and Lukas carefully stepped out of the boat before he was immediately stopped by some weirdo dressed [i]impeccably[/i], greeting him politely with a hint of exitement to his tone. Lukas took the card from Wadsworth, smiling politely in return as the two walked on the beach towards two others that were by the beach. It seemed that Lukas was the third to arrive, the second male (first dry one, at that) out of the two along with a female — and very beautiful one at that. Wadsworth excused himself as there was a squeal heard from the docks, Lukas turning back to see [i]red[/i] falling into the water in surprise. This was going to be an odd day. [hr][hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4xMzc0NzYuUzNKcGMzUmhJRWhoYkdVLC4wAAAAAAAA/farewell.regular.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/89d0151a735a3b88742148771acea15f/tumblr_ngle5xF9uF1tyt7pjo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Arriving, the beach [b]Interacting with:[/b] Wadsworth, Lukas[/centre][hr][hr]This day certainly started off odd. Well, it can be more easily described as [i]bad[/i] than odd, but continuity I suppose. Krista had barely managed to board the plane on time. Her alarm didn't ring, letting her sleep in an extra [i]two[/i] hours when she could've used that time to eat or y'know, make the plane. Even as she finished getting ready, she'd ended up forgetting her passport at home, so Krista had to drive all the way back home from the airport to retrieve her passport before she could even make it through the entrance. And worse than that? The person she had to sit beside was a complete utter asshole. He took up most of the space, ate and drank the entire time they were in the air meaning a lot of toilet breaks, and worst of all he [i]slept on her[/i] while she tried to read. Safe to say, Krista asked to be moved (and about an hour before they were supposed to land, she was finally given space in another part of the aircraft [i]away[/i] from that asshole — seriously, fuck this company) and just when she thought that the trip was going to get better from there? Her battery died. No more reading. [i]No more reading.[/i] God, that was hell for her. She sat on the boat, with a frown on her face and looking more tired than refreshed. Even the scenery was not doing enough for the redhead. She was in a bad mood, and Krista could only hope that she didn't deter anyone during the evening. Maybe all she needed was a nap. Mm, a nap sounded good. The boat stopped, and even as the crew warned the tired girl about the small gap between the boat and the dock, she stepped right on the air and fell into the water. To observers, it must've looked like a cartoon character falling after realising they were walking on air. Quick, and utterly [i]hilarious[/i] to anyone but her. A squeal escaped from her throat as her body hit the cold water suddenly. It was certainly quite the wake-up, but not something she was very happy about. Krista was helped back up to the shore by the crew, another well-dressed man apologising and ordering some bellhops to bring a towel for her from the hotel as she waved off their concern. She took the offered towel with a small bow of her soaked head, before patting herself dry. Her hair was a hopeless case anyway, but at least she didn't have to worry about any flyaways while on the beach. [color=teal][b]"Thank you."[/b][/color] She said to Wadsworth as he apologised once more before telling her the standard things: introductions, plans for the day, stuff about the hotel that she'd already known from reading reviews. [color=wheat][b]"Are you okay ma'am?"[/b][/color] Another voice filled her ears, deep and filled with concern. She looked up to see a tall figure staring back at her with warm eyes, waiting for her to respond. [color=wheat][b]"Are you hurt?"[/b][/color] [color=teal][b]"No, but my pride is."[/b][/color] The words escaped her lips, before her cheeks reddened enough to rival her hair as she spoke again, [color=teal][b]"Oh, god, sorry about that. No, I'm fine I— um..."[/b][/color] she stopped, unsure what to say next. He smiled, the warmth never leaving his eyes as he gestured towards the two others at the beach. A man and woman. [color=wheat][b]"It's fine, I just arrived myself so I haven't introduced myself to anyone just yet. Would you like to come with me?"[/b][/color] He offered. [color=teal][b]"A-ah,"[/b][/color] He was an angel. There was no way Krista was sure she'd be able to introduce herself — especially after giving them a show by falling into the water — so to have someone beside her, at least she would have someone's lead to follow. [color=teal][b]"yes, thank you. I-I'm Krista by the way. Krista Hale."[/b][/color] [color=wheat][b]"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I? I'm Lukas Jackson."[/b][/color] He introduced himself as the two approached the others at the beach.[hr][hr]