Nishka shrugged. [b]"Seems like too much school and too little fighting to me."[/b] She turned to look at the small dispute at the gambling ring. [b]"Despite the student's apparant attempts to say otherwise. What about you? You here for the school or the fight?"[/b] Her own stance on the matter made clear Nishka looked at Luis intensely, as though spending half a moment being serious and thinking about his response for a change. Once he answered the moment would pass and she would lose interest, looking back at the gambling ring curiously. Peacemakers and fighters in contrast again. It didn't matter if King was cheating or not, anyone who lost money gambling deserved to lose it. Nishka had been tempted to join in earlier and show them how you [i]really[/i] played card, but now seeing their reactions she was satisfied that she hadn't. Pansies.