[center][h3][color=00a651]Gren[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]Location[/color]: Folio Town - Town Square [color=00a651]Activity[/color]: Talking to [color=darkturquoise]Devon[/color] and [color=violet]Veronica[/color] (Sorta)[/center] Nodding his head, Gren was pleasantly surprised to hear someone who knew about his mother. [color=00a651]"Yup, that's me! Nice to meet you Karaha."[/color] Gren didn't really know much about the sibyl or this place Karaha lived at. All he knew was that he wasn't suppose to go up there, and that it was pretty boring. Most of the pokemon there says he can't go inside, so there was never really much reason for Gren to explore that place. He was going to keep chatting when a shaymin showed up! Gren had never seen a Shaymin before. He's only seen them in books, and this shaymin looked different from the drawings. This shaymin must be in his sky form, if Gren was correct. It was very interesting. [color=00a651]"The inn has good food. I usually eat at my house, but sometimes my mom wants to go into the town, and when it's time for dinner we eat at the inn. They make a good cake, but I like my cake plain. Sometimes they fill it up with cream and berries and makes everything so gooey."[/color] Perhaps not the most appetizing way to describe a perfectly fine cake, but Gren felt the need to explain the town to the stranger. [color=00a651]"I would ree-com-mend the sandwich instead."[/color] Then the totodile fell. Gren tried not to smirk, wondering why he tripped. Maybe he was hurt? But then he got up and seemed just fine. Maybe he was just naturally clumsy. Gren was going to greet him when the totodile went off to a tree and started talking to someone there. Gren looked and saw.... Some sort of lantern pokemon. Gren honestly did not know what kind of pokemon this was, and he's never seen it before. Curiosity got the better of him as he turned towards Karaha and bowed his head. [color=00a651]"Please excuse me."[/color] That's what his mother taught him to do if he ever had to leave a conversation with someone. It was rude to just walk away after all. Gren caught up to the totodile and the strange new pokemon. [color=00a651]"Hello! I'm Gren! Who are you?"[/color] [@Ninian][@Crimson Flame][@Shiny Keldeo][@Light Lord]