Here's an idea of the CS. This is probably going to be my actual character. Now you can go a lot more in depth if you wish but this level of detail is absolutely fine. A lot of the point of this story is the changes your character undergoes. [b]Name[/b]: Adrian Thomas [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Personality[/b]: Jovial, lazy, often quiet, dissatisfied. [b] History[/b]: Adrian is the average college student, getting his general education degree. He has no idea who he’s going to be or what he’s going to do in life. This causes him moderate mental discomfort, but he tries not to think about it. [b]Likes[/b]: Drinking, Loud Music, Doodling, [b]Dislikes[/b]: Going to class, reptiles, mustard [b] Appearance[/b]: Ironic tee, dirty jeans, messy hair. Adrian tries to look his best but rarely feels like going to the local laundromat or shaving. He slouches often. [b]Dream Appearance[/b]: N/A, maybe a little pudgier than he really is.