[hider=Zero] Name: Nathan Stryder, though he doesn’t go by this name anymore. These days he is known as ‘Zero’ Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance:[hider=Nathan Stryder][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/09e5/f/2014/070/3/f/noragami_yukine_by_felicemelancholie-d79s6b2.png [/img]All rights to the awesome artist: FeliceMelancholie[/hider] Nathan has a slim, but well honed body. His skin is naturally fair, with sharp features that makes him appear rather good looking. He was born with the naturally dark brown hair that is the symbol of all members of his family. His hair is cut in a messy semi long length that encompasses his face just right, however this isn’t what is most interesting about him as his hair and eyes began to stand out. From birth he was born with Heterochromia iridum: his left eye was born with a deep icy blue color while his right eye took on an almost shining amber colour. , while as his powers began to grow his hair changed color: it took on an increasingly blonde appearance because it blocked out the ultra violet rays in the atmosphere. On a few places on his body he has various tattoos etched into his skin, though the meaning behind them is something only a few individuals know about. He usually wears rather simply clothing: a pair of tight black jeans and a loose white t-shirt and a pair of white and red running shoes. Often he also wears a tanned leather jacket with a hoodie on top of this. He can often be seen wearing a small black and red bag that runs from his right shoulder down his chest and onto his back underneath his left arm. He keeps his tools and ‘board’ along with other trinkets he has or is in the process of developing. In this bag. Height: 181 cm Weight: 75 kg. Personality: Nathan, or rather ‘Zero’ as he goes by these days, can best be summed up in one word: secretive. He rarely, if ever, opens up to anyone, instead he tends to lie and manipulate his way through the crowd. This doesn’t mean that he is a loner, in fact, he can be quite charming: he has figured out how to manipulate those around him into liking him, often cracking jokes or teasing those around him in order to obtain whatever he has in mind at that specific time. But, you should never trust him. For most parts he tends to act rather calm and calculative, measuring everything he can perceive around him before taking any actions. e loves his secrets, so if you dig too deeply into his past or his present you will not like what you find - this also means that while he definitely have friends, even these individuals know anything about him or his past - and if you are counted as one of the few that actually do, well, then you are indeed a very special individual to either have tracked his past down from rumours, tricked it out of him or even braver: gotten him to like you enough to open up to you. This secrecy is also why he has decided to abandon his birth name and instead use a code-name. Bio: [Hider=Background]Nathan was born into the influential and wealthy family that for generations have stood their ground in Domino City’s political ring. His father as a well respected political and military leader, while his mother was one of Domino city’s leading scientists. Nathan’s life was really set out to be a breeze, an easy and relaxing journey that started from the top and would only get better from there, however, this wasn’t how fate had planned his life. Because his mother was one of the leading scientists in Domino City in regards to nanotechnology and the impact of the ‘The Dark Fog’ she was often at the outer rim of the city in order to study this mysterious substance. She was, to put it frankly, a workaholic: she continued to continued her research even when the first early signs of pregnancy began to show - however, stubborn as she was she she discarded the first symptoms as merely being the result of excessive stress. It wasn’t until the signs were so clear that even the children began to ask her if it was a boy or a girl. At this point it was already too late. The fetus inside of her had already absorbed too much of The Dark Fog to have caused chronic changes within the unborn child. Yet, miraculously some would say, the only thing that was odd when their newborn boy was his eyes: The left eye was a deep icy blue color while his right eye took on an almost shining amber colour. Relieved that this mutation was the only change that The Dark Fog had seemingly brought with it, his parents decided to raise him as any other child. And what a child young Nathan grew into. Even from an early age it became apparent that he was different in other ways than just his Heterochromia iridum: his parents soon realised that he had an incredibly gifted mind as well. He easily outsmarted most of his peers and at the young age of just 6 he was already following his mother’s work in science. This fascination with science continued to grow within young Nathan as he became older and smarter. As his genius grew he began to skip classes in school, and at the age of 15 he entered into Domino City’s most prestigious higher education in sciences. However, it was also at this time that he began to notice that he was different than others in more ways than he had originally thought. It started out with minor deviations: items would fly across the room as he tried to reach for them, he would suddenly jump many meters into the air with just the smallest of movements, and he began to notice how his naturally brown hair begun to take on a lighter tone in the tips. Luckily these abnormalities always happened when he was alone, so no one knew about it - and because his family had such a high profile in the social structure of Domino City he wasn’t scanned and whenever someone would raise questions regarding the oddity of things surrounding young Nathan: how sensors would start to go off, or why his hair had begun to turn blonde, his dad always covered for him, shutting down any gossip or probing that would occur. His family simply didn’t want to believe that their perfect son had become one of the abominations that children feared and told nightmarish tales about to each other in order to scare their friends. Nathan, on the other hand, was intrigued by what was happening to him. He had always loved that he was special - but not to such an extent as what he really was: to be able to manipulate vectors (something he didn’t initially know, but quickly hypothesised) opened so many possibilities that even he, with all his calculative power, couldn’t fathom how many opportunities was going to be open for him in the future. What should be mentioned was that at this point his young mind wasn’t considering the possibilities that actually occurred: instead he thought that he could change the world for the good through the combination of science and his newfound power. What he didn’t consider was the prejudice towards The Children of The Dark. A few years passed and the now 18 year old Nathan Stryder was enjoying his life filled with science, math, medicine, and knowledge. His abilities had somehow not been discovered, perhaps through a mixture of his parent’s influence and their willingness to turn the blind eye to the signs, his own discretion and a large dose of sheer blind luck. He had continued to hone them over the years and could at this point in his life easily control them. What unsettled his stable world was the social distress that had been birthed from the existence and hunt of the abominations such as Nathan. While the changes in society wasn’t something that changed drastically since Nathan was born, the constant unrest within Domino City meant that as both sides fought against each other, each for their own cause, it was inevitable that Nathan, the still young Child of Dark, would be included in the conflict. It was in the wake of one of the larger conflicts between the police force and The Children of the Dark which resulted in a few dead and many more injured. The security was naturally on high alert following this episode and unlucky for Nathan this unfortunate series of events took place right up to one of the days that he had long awaited with glee as he had always had a fascination with the political world of Domino City - albeit it was nothing more than a hobby for young Nathan. Because of the events that had preceded his trip with his father the level of security at the political center in Domino City was much higher and stricter than it had usually been. This meant that because of this when Nathan went through the security check the Children of the Dark-scanners naturally went off, but this time no matter how hard his dad tried, the security wouldn’t let him go. It felt like just minutes later that young Nathan sat on the cold bench in the dark prison cell wondering what had went so wrong for him to be in that situation. Even to this day he can hardly remember how long he was imprisoned. It felt like years of interrogation, experimentation, and his family’s sobbing visits. While many would perhaps have given up and left this world broken, Nathan somehow managed to stay somewhat sane. How Nathan managed to escape has become one of his best kept secrets that barely anyone know about, but what is clear is that since his escape the individual known as Nathan Stryder has disappeared in the chaos and ruins his escape created. Instead a Child of the Dark who simply called himself ‘Zero’ took up residence in the Industrial Ring shortly after these events, earning a living by fixing and selling various mechanical merchandise. [/hider] Skills: Intelligence: Only one word really describes Nathan’s intelligence: genius. Even from a young age he kept surprising those around him and the world of his high levels of intellect that together with his calculative abilities puts him in a class of his own when it comes to raw intelligence that has yet to let him down. His intelligence has given him proficiencies in a wide array of different fields ranging from medicine, technology and science to something as diverse as lock-picking and sleight of hand. Martial arts: Despite his rather slim body, Nathan has since an early age taken interest in martial arts. This interest wasn’t for something as pure hearted as to find something akin to ‘zen’ or inner peace, no instead it was simply because as the realization dawned on him that he was a Child of the Darkness he also knew that he could no longer stay the innocent child he had been: instead he would be fighting and running for his life and so, in order to defend his future self from harm he began to study the ancient wisdoms of martial arts in order to shape his body and his mind. Tinkerer: While this could be described more as a hobby, the simple fact is that Nathan loves to tinker with all kinds of objects. He often tears something down, just to put it back together in order to understand it - or in most cases: simply to try and make something else. He has invented various of things over the years and his current place of living is more a impromptu research lab than an actual place to live - seriously, he has a single bed, somewhere… likely underneath that rubble of gizmos over there. Power: Nathan has the ability to manipulate the vectors around him. This allows him to change the magnitude and direction (vector) of an object to maneuver it in the desired way, regardless of preexisting vectors. Drawback: Range: The range of the vector manipulation isn’t very far, roughly extending 1 meter in diameter from his body. Anything further than this will increase the burden exponentially. Focus: The use of his power requires a lot of calculation from Nathan, while for most things this isn’t a problem for him, but if he, for whatever reason, loses his attention, his powers can quite easily turn chaotic - as it has a few times over the 21 winters he has been alive, sometimes just causing damage to his surroundings, but at other times resulting in himself being hurt. Energy-consumption: While it is possible for Nathan to envelope his entire body in his ability, this will draw increasing amounts of energy from his. Because of this and in the aim to conserve his energy he rarely does this. Instead he simply turns his power ‘on’ and ‘off’ whenever it is needed and for the most part only on parts of his body that requires them. Possessions: He always carries around black board akin to that of a skateboard in length and width, but without any form of wheels. Furthermore it appears to be made out of a black material that is cool to the touch, but he hasn’t told anyone what composite it is really made out of. He uses it to ‘skate’ around on, using his powers to create the speed and maneuverability. He is often seen carrying around a black and red bag across his shoulders in which he keeps his most essential tools and medical kits. Other: Nathan has a tendency to always have earphones in his ears, often this means that he is blasting his ears with sweet sweet music, but other times he just wears them in order to ignore the world around him. And yes, that most definitely also includes you as well. His rather childish appearance is a big no-no to mention as he has often been teased and, arguably, even worse: people have ignored his genius and abilities because he looked 'too young'. [/hider]