[hider= The Sticky-Shell Union]Name of Faction: The Sticky-Shell Tribal Union Species: The union consists of two tribes, one of mostly long, sticky tongued reptiles such as Chameleons and Geckos, and another race of humanoid turtles with a long, ancient history. A third, less powerful tribe has decided to ally with this union, mostly part of the warrior class. This third tribe consists of humanoid frogs that work in conjunction with the Sticky-Tongue Tribe. Distinctive features of the races are as follows- The Sticky-Tongue Tribe: Notable features of the tribe are natural camouflage, long sticky tongues and sticky footpads to use while climbing vertical surfaces. Chameleons: These are probably the fewest of the Sticky-Tongue tribe that makes up half of the union. They are larger than their Gecko counterparts and are also more crafty. They typically make up a small part of the leadership and are mostly in charge of divination and the foretelling of omens. Most have three horns and come in a variety of colors, but they also have natural camouflage in order to hide and keep safe when larger creatures enter the house. Height- Roughly 1 ½- 1 ¾ inches tall Geckos: This is the bulk of the Sticky-Tongue tribe. They are usually the warriors and aren’t nearly as smart as the Chameleons, which is relative, because the Chameleons themselves are not that bright when compared to the other races within the house. The Gecko’s are, however, stronger despite their physical size and are also very stealthy hunters. Geckos are typically green and brown with white underbellies, but also have the same camouflage as the chameleons. Height- Roughly ¾ - 1 inch tall The Hard-Shell Tribe: Notable features of this tribe are their hard, armor-like shells, immense fortitude and larger size. Turtles: These are the guardians and the frontline defense for the union, mostly due to their size and natural armor. However they have shown to make excellent smiths and quite handy craftsmen. While naturally slower due to their size and armor, they have lived much longer than most of the other races in the little house due to their fortitude and their innate reaction to shrink into their shells should intense danger finds its way to their home. Height- Roughly 1 ⅝ - 2 inches tall. The Leaper Tribe: Notable features of this tribe include powerful legs for jumping, long sticky tongue much like the Sticky-Tongue tribe and are more hardy fighters than the Gecko. Frogs: This is the only race that is 100% military. They focus on combat and are usually the spearhead in every major military operation. They are brave, fast and strong, capable of leaping onto high surfaces to gain a vantage point or to press the attack. They are especially fond of fighting the insectoid races, as insects make up most of this Union’s food source and are quite adept at trapping and ensnaring insectoids that are unaware of their presence. Frogs have lightning quick reflexes with their tongues and are not known to be merciful when it comes to hunting prey. Height- Roughly 1 ½ - 2 inches tall Population: Approximately- 35000 Chameleons- 10500 Geckos- 12000 Turtles- 7500 Frogs- 5000 Culture, Plans: Sticky-Tongues- Tribal, Hunters. Hard-Shell- Tribal, Defenders. Leapers- Tribal, War-like. The Tribal Union is focused on survival and the acquisition of resources, be it food, water or materials to craft weapons to fuel their own survival. They aren’t interested in conquering, only in eating and keeping their relatively small numbers alive. They have a strong background with many of the insectoid races and are considered highly dangerous by them, but it has not stopped the Union from thriving in the hostile landscape of the little house. Military Strength: Approximately - 15500 Frogs - 5000 Turtles - 2500 Geckos - 6000 Chameleons - 2000 Typical Soldier Appearance: [hider=Frogs][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6f/6e/03/6f6e03372460300949154557b055431f.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Chameleons][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/0c9e/i/2005/282/c/0/chameleon_guy_by_stvnhthr.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Turtles][img]http://media.tumblr.com/c8ad9f22d734a3b6bc8fec80f553fefc/tumblr_inline_mi5mvf1xGj1qz4rgp.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Geckos][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/0e81/f/2007/199/4/9/ghekko_race_by_critical_dean.jpg[/img][/hider] Q: Q12 Imports: Water, scraps of metal, and scrap leather Exports: Patchwork Hide Armors, Crude metal weapons and Insect Carapace Trophies.[/hider] [hider=Chieftain Blacktongue]Title/Name:Chieftain Blacktongue Gender/Sex: Male Appearance: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/2/29/Lizard.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131009034501[/img] Leadership Strength: Mystical and mysterious powers, Has been known to ramble about visions of the future and the great end to the little house.He is often labeled as crazy but also seen in reverence. A faint, stinky cloud is often seen billowing from his nostrils and a small hookah is typically at his side quite often.[/hider] [hider=Notable Figures]Name/Title: Bile Bite Species: Snapping Turtle Position: Leader of the Union’s army and Head of the Hard-Shell Tribe Gender/Sex: Male Stance: Stoic for the most part, but can be quite vicious when roused to participate in combat. Name/Title: Mad-Eye the Seer Species: Chameleon Position: Head Seer and Dreamweaver of the Sticky-Tongue Tribe Gender/Sex: Male Stance:Often called insane and speaks in rhymes that make no sense. Often found speaking with Chieftain Blacktongue Name/Title: Dartfoot Species: Bullfrog Position: Leader of the Leapers and Master of Arms for the Union army. Gender/Sex: Male Stance: Coarse, Arrogant and brash. Is often seen at the head of combat and has been said that he is nigh immune to the sting of wasps and hornets. He is also quite gluttonous Name/Title: Softpad Species: Gecko Position: Chief of the Geckos and director or food distribution amongst the tribes. Gender/Sex: Male Stance: Seen as stupid, but is actually one of the brightest of the gecko. Is often in argument with Dartfoot over food distribution to the Frogs, though Softpad is always fair and equal in what he dispenses.[/hider]