[@FernStone] I love protective brother characters <3 I can't wait to see Adelaide. :D I'm all hyped to write more in the IC, haha. [@Jonnyh447] I think that if you need to, explaining yourself in more words isn't always bad. I personally think it helps you connect more with the character you're writing - at least it helps me connect more with my characters. Also, I completely agree with you about characters dying to make the plot better. Character death makes everything hit home and become more solid if done right. I hope your character dying is glorious, and I can't wait to see how they die (if they die). Is that a weird thing to say? Oh well. :P I know how you feel about the newer generations as well. I had to look up a lot of info about Pokemon in general upon joining this RP. I'm what you call a "Poke-scrub", welcome to my club. :3