Thalia watched as the youngster in the room ran into the succubus. Her drink spilled all over him, and her glass shattered on the ground. She let out a sigh, [i]Why couldn't people be more careful?[/i] she wondered, before she grabbed a rag and walked out from behind the bar. Thalia looked around the room as she went, and noticed the extremely drunk vampire who was now on the floor. She didn't know how a vampire could get drunk, and she really didn't care, no more drinks for her tonight. The succubus backed up from the spill so that she could clean up the mess. Thalia could feel the eyes of most of the men in the room watching her. [i]Oh why did the kid have to run into this guy?[/i] she asked herself. After a few minutes, the mess was cleared away, and except for the two involved who now smelled of alcohol, there was no evidence that anything happened. Thalia practically ran back to the bar, since now there were several customers lined up. Most of them were orders for Demon Hunters, someone else wanted some Falcon Punch (yes, laugh all you want at the name). She was busy for the next 5 minutes, fulfilling everyone's orders. Soon, the vampire came up wanting another, well, another something, Thalia couldn't quite hear her. "Sorry, but you've had enough to drink and should head home for the night", she said.