[hider=The Cerix Tribes] [b]Faction name:[/b] Cerix tribes [b][u]Species[/u][/b] [i]Roaches[/i]: One of the two species making up the many cerix tribes, the roaches are large and aggresive beasts, who like all of the cerix tribes could be considered 'feral barbarians' by the more civilized races. In truth they are deeply spiritual, though violence and rulership through physical strength are staples of their society. Unequaled in their durability, roaches may be harder to kill than any other insect species, able to keep fighting in their vicious raids without a head. [i]Height:[/i] 1 inch up to 2 inches(more commonly an inch to 1.8 inches) [i]Houseflies[/i]: The other race included in the Cerix tribes, houseflies tend to be smaller and less durable than roaches, but are much faster and more agile both on the ground and in the air. When working with the roach tribes, flies will steal items from caravans while the roaches distract their guards. Often they will be fouund working together, but wars between the two species and mutual raiding are not uncommon. [i]Height:[/i] .5 inches to 1 inch [b]Population(Approx.)[/b] 354,000 Roaches 240,000 House flies [b]Culture/Plans:[/b] Maintain territory, raid and survive - The Cerix tribes have never changed. They have always raided amongst the great home, taking what they need or want or occasionally assisting the other factions when offered tribute. The nomadic tribes move throughout the house, but there 'home' will always be the same, and they wish to defend it above all else. Their shamanistic and primitive ways cause many to look down at the 'uncouth savages' but the cerix keep their traditions, and are proud of their varied cultures. [i]Military strength:[/i] All members of a cerix tribe are trained as warriors and raiders from the day they are born. However, the fractured nature of the tribes means they rarely ever work together in extremely large numbers, preferring small raiding and hunting parties. Typical roach appearance(replace weird handsless limbs with ones that have hands, except for their feet) [hider=Male Roach warrior minus weapons(and hands)] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/c4/2c/1bc42cbecae45d8ea57f702b999bdb83.jpg[/img] [/hider] Typical fly [hider=Male Fly warrior minus weapons] [img]http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/6d91c69695fd12ccb1ee9ca991cff4d2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Imports/exports:[/b] When the tribes do engage in trade, they mainly seek weapons and tools they cannot make themselves, and will trade slaves, or their services as mercenaries [b]Q:[/b] Q6 [/hider] [hider=The Roach King] [b]Name:[/b] Caravix, Prophet of the flesh gods, great chief Birdslayer [b]Gender/sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Caravix is a massive roach, standing at 2 inches tall, but the differencess don't stop there. His left eye is scarred and glazed over and he is missing his middle right arm which are wounds from the his slaying of a bird. He wears two great feathers on his back, and many smaller ones about his head. He often has the pattern of a screaming bird in warpaint on his chest. [b]Leadership strength:[/b] Fragmented - Although all Cerix tribes consider him their great chief his word is not law, and problems or decisions affecting all the tribes will be presented to the council of Chiefs and Elders, which he may call together at any time. [/hider] [hider=Minor leaders] Name/title: Malthia, head shaman/priestess Species: Fly Position: Head shaman, religous leader(next to Caravix) Gender/sex: Female Stance: Utterly devoted to Caravix, believes he is the prophet of their vicious flesh gods Name/title: The Four sons Species: Roach Position: Sons of Caravix Gender/sex: Male Stance: Obey their father, espouse a continuation and escalation of raiding Name/title: The Shamed Species: Fly Position: Caravix's bodyguard/companion Gender/sex: Female Stance: Atone for her sins in service to the Cerix king(is a superb fighter) (all for now) [/hider]