[@Azazaa] [@Sleater] [@mattmanganon] Jacque shrugged off the thanks and offered up a slight quirking of his left brow at the response he received from Krus about the day's pay, "[b]Enough, huh?[/b]". The human stared intensely at his crewmate in silence for an almost uncomfortable amount of time before cracking a smile, his way of letting the neimodian know that he was simply having a bit of sport. Jacque trusted Krus to get everyone's pay right, or at the very least, to not cut into anyone's checks without a good reason, however he still enjoyed making attempts at rattling the man every now and then to keep him on his toes. He'd just fixed his mouth to inquire about the new job Krus mentioned when the ship's comm crackled to life. Following this was Alexnick's announcement of Corellian pancakes, prompting an annoyed grunt from Jacque. The annoyance stemmed not from the food- god only knew Jacque could devour a ten high stack of those pancakes in a single sitting, rather it was from the knowledge that what he was about to do carried with it the risk that there would be no pancakes left for the smuggler to eat. "[b]We'll talk about that job later, first i'm gonna radio Fixer to see if he's powered down anything that might cause us trouble below deck, also while i'm at it i'm gonna go talk to Marka about slaving our control before someone decides something's off. If he's not up at the cockpit then i'll have to do it myself.[/b]". With this, Jacque gave Krus a friendly pat on the arm and proceeded to walk around him. He made it approximately five steps before a terrifying thought occurred to him, prompting him to spin on his heels and face Krus as he started walking backwards "[b]By the way, if Viik'ashak comes out for breakfast, please, for the love of everything that's decent, try to save me and Marka at least one damned pancake each. Hide 'em if you gotta, because otherwise there's no way in hell that there will be leftovers with that sweet tooth of hers. Alright? Alright.[/b]". He spun once more and continued on his path to the cockpit, bringing up his comm as he went, "[b]Marka, you in the pit man? You've gotta comply with those orders or they're going to get real pissy in a minute. I don't know if you know this, but getting blown up in space is not how I want to die. Fixer, how're we looking down low? Everything powered down?[/b]".