Nishka couldn't resist a giggle at what was going on. It was ridiculous. A simple card game turned into a cage fight for money. Nishka was eager for a fight but this was ridiculous. They even knew Teach would show up soon and that if they left class they would probably miss it. [b]"Don't worry about it Luy. They got it under control or at least think they do. I'd like to see rainbow boy get in a fight, but someone'll probably interrupt like usual."[/b] Were these people so confident in their own abilites they didn't even stop to consider the possibility of other's being equally stronger or stronger? Nishka knew her own Noble Arms was primitive at best, but her skill with it had served her well so far. So did wonder how she would fare against someone else was a Noble Arms. It would be fun to find out. She watched the gambling group intently to see just how this would play out, if a fight did go down it'd be a real shame to miss out on it.