[color=0076a3]"Aight, catch you later then,"[/color] he waved as she left to follow Pablo and King's group. He had to admit, he certainly wasn't expecting this sort of bravado from the guy. It certainly was an original solution, though he would have never taken Pablo for the gambling type. The budding hero must have had complete confidence in his skills. Luis wondered how he would fare against a cunning cheat like King. His curiosity wasn't enough to get him out of the room though. The same could be said for the gun wielding idiots. If they were that keen on filling each other with lead then that was not his problem. And so he remained in the classroom, with the minority that had chosen not to spectate either of the fights. He'd left his phone and headphones in the dorms this morning, so there was no escape from the terrible electropop music taste of whoever was commandeering the room's sound system. He sighed for yet another time this morning and noticed the other student who had yet to be affected by the ruckus. [color=0076a3]"Ay, Reinhard! You up to anything?"[/color] he called out to the stalwart young man. [@M127]