[center][h2]United Aleani Republic[/h2] [b]Location:[/b] FORT Kuran, UAR[/center] Tresais Al'Tran stood silent and stoic as he looked over UAR lands from Kuran, a massive military stronghold and storage facility atop the bed. Its wooden/plastic walls surrounding the very edge of the bed, the pillows used as additional defenses, with platforms branching off the edges. Towers lined its four corners, armed ballista's on top of each. Battery catapults lined the walls, ready to be fired, a total of 20 lined each side. Almost 15,000 soldiers and Altir were stationed in this fort alone, ready to be mobilized. Tresais Al'Tran stood upon the northern most tower, facing the Great Gateway, which was the door that hallway. Word had gotten out that a new Empire was being built, one of flying insects, more than capable enough to skirmish with the rodents of Eternia. It was concerning, no doubt, and was to be seen as a potential threat to "them". The Third in command gazed upon UAR, thinking about its people, they all wanted what was best for the whole, would ending the threat of this new Empire be best for the whole? "They" were to decide soon, but as of now, they had others things to do. Tresais Al'Tran could feel the thousands of people who hustled and bustled in the great city of Alma'Ton. The military tribes who dotted the landscape, 80 self reliant platoons, 100 men strong sent all around Q10, patrolling uninhabited sections. The inhabitants of San'in, the hidden city within the White Jungle. The West Light fort on the dresser facing Q9, which housed soldier and catapults along the edge. Burrowing on the inside to use it as a communications hub and barrack. East Light fort was identical. He gazed at Huren, a smaller fort similar to Kuren, situated on the couch cushion, and Lu'rin city, which hung in the confines of the couch. Buren was situated in and on the TV stand, catapults along the edge, and the city of Ren'in inside the TV itself. A lone Aleani Soldier made his way to Al'Tran, greeting him in the the traditional Aleani way. The soldier first, stepped to the side with his right foot, widening his stance, and at the same time brought two fists together, knuckles touching, arms bent at chest-level. Second, he opened the fists, palm out, and touched the tips of the thumbs and index fingers to each other so that the empty space between the two hands formed a triangle. Third, he closed the two palms together, thumbs still pointing away from the other fingers at a right angle, and then drew the “praying” hands closer so that only the thumbs touched the middle of the chest. At the same time he bent his head down so that the tips of the fingers touch the forehead, while bending the knees into a semi-bow. Fourth, he separated the hands, lifting them outward into a sweeping arc, and returns them palms down at his sides, at the same time as he straightened and brought the right leg back in, feet together. Al'Tran acknowledged the soldier, his back still turned to him. [i]"Air Corps Scouts have returned, the situation remains the same in Q1 and 2 remains the same. It seems that the rodents are fighting back."[/i] [color=chocolate]"Keep us informed, we have little business interfering with that mess. We also need to speak Cerix Tribes, see they will allow us easy passage through thier lands for trade, if not we will act. Q11 also wishes for an alliance, send word for an summit to be made."[/color] The soldier simply nodded and went off to do what was to be done, leaving Al'Tran to contemplate to betterment of UAR, for his brothers.