[@Aphelion]Protective character's are pretty fun! I'm very close to finishing Adelaide - just gotta do her background and a few pokemon :) Then she'll be finally doneee [quote=@Phoenix] [b]How would they have viewed Pokestations? Do they have them in their native region? If not, what do they have?[/b] [/quote] Realised I didn't respond to this. Gabrielle and Adelaide's native region is Hoenn so of course they have them. Neither of them have particularly strong opinions. Gabby: She does believe that Pokestations are important, and has depended upon medicine from them for her pokemon. She tends to gravitate more towards society and it's existence and as a result has a preference for actual medicine and technology. Adi: Adelaide views Pokestations as useful, but not necessary. She knows enough about survival, berries and the like to be able to survive without them - and for her pokemon to survive. However she thinks they make it easier so she wasn't against them existing.