As they navigated through the heavily wooded terrain in silence, Cameron’s thoughts kept retuning to the conversation that her and Justin had the night before. While the story of Mileena and they pain that he had gone through was horrible, in a selfish way, her mind only fixated on the conversation regarding his beliefs and how he did not condone the actions that she had partaken in and chosen to tell him about. She knew his intention wasn’t to hurt her feelings, and she wasn’t quite sure if he had, but it did make her feel a bit self-conscious knowing that her only friend in the world probably looked down on her for the life style she chose to lead. Cameron’s body broke out in goosebumps as they approached the familiar highway, and her small fingers pinched her nose as they approached the body that they had seen days prior. Memories of the savages and the prison they were captured in underground flooded her, and paranoia began to settle in, causing her eyes to dart around the area. Justin’s voice broke the silence that had engulfed them for what felt like hours, and it both startled her and comforted her. She had been fighting the urges to find something to talk about, and instead, let the man’s mind relax for once. If what other people in her life had told her was true, then Cameron must have been exhausting to be around for long periods of time. And for a guy like Justin who had been through so much, she thought it was best to save him the energy of having to entertain her with conversation. Although his voice was comforting, his words were not. [b]"Get your gun ready. I've got a feeling savages won't be the only group we'll be worrying about today."[/b] Her hand subconsciously went behind her to the gun tucked into the back of her cargo pants, and she nodded as she took a deep breath. “That’s refreshing,” she mumbled as her eyes continued to scan the area around them. She adjusted the strap on her back and nodded to him. “I was getting sick of them.” Her tone was sarcastic, but lighthearted. Cameron let Justin lead the way, making sure that she watched both of their backs as they pressed on towards Hartford. “Hey, if you need to, you know, rest or take a break, let me know. I don’t mind keeping watch.” Her voice was hushed as she spoke to his back. As they plodded along, she could feel the pain in her stomach becoming sharper and sharper. “Hey,” she whispered as she lightly touched his back. “Two seconds.” After looking around, Cameron sat on a rock and lifted her shirt to examine the fresh bandage they had place around her torso this morning before they had left. Blood had orbed the wound, but it looked to be drying rather than fresh, which seemed like it could be a good sign. A few deep breaths later, Cameron grabbed Justin’s hand and helped herself up with it. “Alright, I’m good,” she nearly whispered with a faint smile before nudging her head towards the direction they were headed. Another half an hour of silence passed, and she found that she could no longer fight both her need for noise and curiosity. “So,” she began quietly, “Were your parents from Omega?”