Dalious spent the evening in the bathhouse, a large underground steam room with large stone pillars throughout. He lay in one of the furthest benches with nothing but a white towel on. There was a water pool that reached up to his knees, that he used to wash his face and hair. There were a few others in the room, though in his section he was alone. He rested his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, expecting the rest of the night to be nice and calm. His thoughts were of home, which in his mind was his old ship and the sea itself. Granted the ship was stolen, but it was his for that time, until it was yet again stolen from him. The life of a pirate. He had learned everything he knew from his days at sea, whether it be fighting on deck with his comrades or hunting on various islands. His captain, a man who took him in at a very young age, showed him how to kill a man. He had become addicted to combat in a sense, and mixing that with the pirate code of honor which was to take whatever you wanted when you wanted, he felt unstoppable. These days of the past now served as his meditation for current days, as he focused his mind on his learnings while also stretching his body to stay limber. The screams from above could faintly be heard, but he immediately knew something was off. Before he could even react, a blood curdling scream rang throughout the wash room. Blood spilled over the stone walls in the distance, and a naked man ran across the room only to be quickly taken down by a thrown dagger. Two forms in black walked over to the wounded man and stood over him, then they dug their blades deep into his chest. Dalious stood and they saw him next. He removed his towel and held it tight in his left hand from the elbow to the palm, knowing he just had to get to his weapon from the other side of them. The two dark cloaked figures slowly walked forward, as Dalious picked up a torch from one of the pillar holders in his free hand. The only thing on his mind now was to not die naked and weaponless. He swung the torch to each side, trying to keep the attackers at a distance. One of them lunged forward with a straight strike, and Dalious dipped out of the way while bringing the base of the torch to his temple. A crashing sound and a splurge of fire erupted from the strike, as it knocked the enemy down to the flooring and away. The second man rushed in a second later and knocked the torch from his grasp, then went to stab the pirate in his chest. Dalious barely moved back in time, using his towel to wrap it around the attacker's wrist and kicking his weapon to the side as well. They struggled for a moment, then hit the ground. Dalious got back control and then wrapped his towel around the enemies throat, squeezing it as hard as he could until he heard a crack. He shoved the man off of him as the other was ready again for attack. Backing his nude body across the floor, he dodged and slid away from every death blow the attacker intended for him, cracking the tiles with every miss. Dalious rolled backward and to his feet, quickly grabbing another torch, then threw it into the enemies face to knock him back again. It was just enough time to reach his katana, which within seconds of grabbing it, the attacker was back on him. Two swift strikes from Dalious was all it took, as he cut the man deep across his stomach, then shifted the blade directly into the attacker's heart. Dalious took a few deep breaths, then began to put on his armor. When he finished, he noticed the downed men start to move. They slowly rose, leaving a confused look on Dalious' face. [color=steelblue] "I've never been one to shy away from cheating, but this goes far and beyond that!" [/color] Now confident with his weapon at his side, we walked back up to the attackers and hacked them down yet again. He waited, and again they began to move. [color=steelblue] "Bloody hell. This is why I hate magic." [/color] This time he walked forward and hacked their heads off, not staying to see the outcome of it. He had already lingered here for to long. Exiting the bathhouse he walked into a warzone. [color=steelblue] "What kind of madness..." [/color] he muttered under his breath.