I'm not as impressed with their line-up of books and talent as I should be, but everything depends on how the Rebirth Special pans out. I was looking forward to the return of the Justice Society and the Legion of Superheroes but that's not even in the plans unless it's something they're waiting to announce. Replacing New52 Superman with the pre New52 Superman who appeared in the Lois and Clark series is also an iffy move for me, since we'll essentially have two Lois Lanes and two Clark Kents, even if it's just the beginning of the relaunch. I don't care for Superdad's son being the new Superboy, or the fact the two newest Green Lanterns are the stars of the Green Lanterns title that looks to be nothing more than volume 4 of GL rehashed with two new Lanterns. Shipping titles twice monthly is also something I'm skeptical about, as it could really help DC or hurt them. Ted Kord finally returning was a good idea, but he's playing second fiddle and mentor to a Blue Beetle who's already failed twice with monthly titles [Jaime Reyes]. And Red Hood's new team of Outlaws is 'a half baked Bizarro clone' and the Amazonian archer Artemis... really? The only books that look promising to me are the adult Titans, Aquaman, and Deathstroke. And to be honest, the way the new artist on Aquaman draws the scales on his shirt look horrible as well as his general figure composition. A lot of his images have Aquaman looking a bit too barrel chested with super skinny arms and legs. When the New52 came around the universe lost a lot of it's legacy heroes and history. With the Justice Society and the Legion nowhere to be seen the past and future of this DCU are severely handicapped. Batman Beyond is taking a step back in the right direction with the return of Terry, but rather than get a new #1 they're continuing with the numbering [and doing this with at least a few more series...] which will further confuse any new readers wondering what in the hell DC's Futures End was and what it did to the Beyond-ish Future. ~KL~