[@Weird Tales] Yeah fans of Damian have it good this relaunch, probably why I'm not as impressed LOL I expect more from a Teen Titans title I suppose, being led by a 12 year old former League of Assassins member and using the new black Kid Flash in the old one's suit just isn't doing it for me. And they're introducing multiple characters with superspeed in the Flash monthly and talking up some kid named August... and NOT this new take on Wally? New and fresh isn't always a positive thing. I'd have rather read a title about the clone Superboy and Red Robin than these two tweens. With Red Hood... I'd just rather have a solo Red Hood title. He doesn't NEED supporting characters with powers to make him more interesting. And upping the profiles of two characters with stronger ties to premiere superheroes [Superman and Wonder Woman] just makes it all the more obvious DC isn't willing to take chances with 2nd and 3rd string characters anymore. Give me a decent Outsiders title instead of more Trinity-related books and spin-offs. ~KL~