[color=yellow]"Right, j- -ime - -c. ------uip -thing -ha-. - --aigh- - - eyes."[/color] ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- [color=chocolate]"EH? What.... Its completely dark. .... I can't even see myself."[/color] Flan furiously tried to do anything; access the menu? No response. No menu, no abilities, stats, or even the ability to power off. She was stuck, alone, in a giant black void inside the game. No sense of time was present, she merely existed. At first she tried to comfort herself, giving plausible reasons as to what happened, and how the Academy staff were doing everything they could to fix whatever situation she was in. Surely she wasn't the only one this happened to, right? Right!? Next she tried passing the eternity by singing to her self any and all songs she could think of. Songs she hasn't heard in ages, blending into other songs changing the tune into that of an entirely different song. She was tired, but couldn't sleep and no light to guide her out of this place. She merely existed in the void; unmoving, unthinking. Alive in this virtual limbo. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- [hr] [h3][u][center][b]Resuming session in progress.... Please Wait[/b][/center][/u][/h3] [hr] Hmm? A message? Flan couldn't quite comprehend what was happening at the moment. The contrast between the message and the void in the background hurt her eyes too much for her to focus, only giving her a headache when she tried. Quickly the world spun around her as a familiar place became to take shape. The Black Throne room. She didn't know why she was there, or what just happened. How long was she out of the game? Was her real body ok? She wasn't dead, she thought, otherwise she wouldn't be here now, right? But she was exhausted so she just laid there in the middle of the floor, not bothering to try to log out for fear as to what she'd find, or rather what she might not find at all.