Too many questions ran through Larel's mind he tried to push them down but they kept resurfacing in his mind, he was happy to talk with Hotaru as it calmed him and helped keep his mind from drifting too far. Zenmaru wasn't helping either as all she did was laugh at the information, informing him she already knew about it and that if he wanted she could tell him anything he wanted now that it had been said. Something about how she said it though bothered him, images kept forcing themselves forward in his mind but he felt strange with each one he saw, detached from his own past for some reason. He decided it was because Alari kept his memories to himself that it didn't feel real, that was something else to deal with. At the mention of food Larel perked up a bit and gave a firm nod to getting something to eat, he held his stomach feeling it growl. "I'd love some food, If it's not inconvenient I'd like something home cooked it always taste better for some reason," Larel said with a small smile. "I always feel better after eating home cooked food." Larel blinked a few times and crossed his arms. " idea why I said that but still I believe it's true." "The room's are taken care of," Alari said. He watched Larel jump since he hadn't announced his presence to the young man when he neared the two, he turned to Hotaru and informed her where and which rooms before giving a small nod and walking away from them. He had left the room after regaining his composure and taking another deep breath made his way to go see Mera, catching the two walking alone he figured he'd at least inform them everything was handled. He made sure however to put as much distance between them as possible, he didn't want to interrupt their time together. Once he was back in the field he adjusted his glasses with a small sigh. "I'll have to act faster now if he knows the truth," Alari mumbled. "...I'll do what's necessary...even if I seem like a monster in his eyes...well more of one anyway." Alari closed his eyes listening to the echo's as he tried to pick up Mera, with her in the forest it took a bit of effort to pinpoint it but after a few minutes he located her and made his way through the trees. Alari's mind went through thousands of possibilities on what to say to Mera but each one ended equally bad which didn't help his confidence as he got closer, but he didn't want to turn his back on everyone just because he was in pain, not when he wanted Mera to be brave. Seeing Mera Alari started to approach her but stopped seeing her holding a needle, he leaned against a nearby tree and closed his eyes, knowing Mera he figured she'd be able to sense him and it didn't take much for him to realize what she was doing, whatever reason she was doing this for he didn't want to interrupt.