Whilst Phineas was mapping out there location, Eliza turned back to the lockers and pulled out what she could for items of use. Unfortunately for them there wasn't much left, apart from some spare uniforms, a blanket, and the remains of the first aid kit. She turned back to him at his announcement that he deduced their location. She listened quietly, remaining still for a few minutes before nodding at his suggestions. "Zanzik it is then. We should probably get on the road as soon as possible before the sun is on us. I dug out a few uniforms and a blanket, but other then that our equipment is low." She walked over to the small pile and ripped up a shirt which she wrapped around her head to keep her hair out of the way. She then picked up the backpack slinging it on her back, before jumping out into the desert sand. She eyed her bodice and shift with slight distaste, before turning to Phiny, "Welp..we might as well get on with it. I am dying of thirst, and if I don't eat something soon, you are going to see a whole new version of Eliza Blackwell." She looked out over the ocean they just crossed at the moon overhead, and let out a laugh, "I can't believe we survived such an ordeal with only minimal damage. Some great god must have been looking over us. Anyway. Off we go." She started walking in the right direction, feeling confident after they survived the previous ordeal.