[quote=@Skylar] [@Hael] Still working on NS, but I have most of it put together and an explorer profile in the works. Enough for me to start RP'ing if you approve. Concept for Explorer: veteran admiral, burdened by committing half a planet to nuclear ash in the name of victory and glory, now seeking redemption by cleaning up the Meknik Union's messes. Which includes a lot of deep-space colony missions intended to seed armory colonies to continue the war in event of armaggedon, now out of control and nowhere to be found. Taking a explorer fleet out to hunt them down, Angevian runs into the greater galactic community in the process of his hunt. Meanwhile, other factions start tripping over colonies of xenophobic Mekniks thinking the galaxy is out to get them, and they are frantically cranking out weapons and troops in paranoia of invasion by the Union's enemies. Interesting neighbors to have on precious habitable real estate. Go? Not go? Rewrite? [/quote] Go! It's good so far! I love your ideas. In fact, it is clearly well done enough for you to post. [quote=@Sigma] Currently in the process of fixing up my navy. Felt unsatisfied with some of my ships and decided to scrap a few and find good replacements. [/quote] I suggest some Star Wars style ships. I always liked the Imperial designs.